Press releases

End of week one: Civil society experts provide update on progress on negotiations at COP27

11 Nov 2022

End of week one: Civil society experts provide update on progress on negotiations at COP27 

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“African leaders must advocate for people in the continent suffering from climate damages, not sell us out to Western governments”

10 Nov 2022

Full press conference of 10 November available on: CAN: Climate Action Network Press Briefing on COP27 | UNFCCC 10 November 2022: According to a new report, Congo in the Crosshairs, oil and gas expansion in the Congo Basin is a rapidly accelerating existential threat to the global climate, and to the world’s second-largest rainforest – […]

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Letter to the Heads of State

10 Nov 2022

November 9, 2022 Dear Heads of State: We, the undersigned constituencies—representing thousands of climate, climate justice, labor, women and gender rights, Indigenous, and youth organizations across the world—respectfully request that you take a strong stand against the human rights abuses of the Egyptian government and urge the immediate release of the arbitrarily detained activist Egyptian-British […]

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Civil Society Organisations at COP27 call on all heads of delegation to demand the release of prisoners of conscience in Egypt

10 Nov 2022

Sharm el Sheikh, 10 November 2022: Today, five constituencies representing hundreds of civil society organizations at the COP27 climate talks in Egypt, and millions of members and supporters, around the world, issued an open letter to heads of delegation asking them to take a strong stand against human rights abuses in Egypt. They further called […]

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The U.S. must change course at COP27 and ensure it supports a Loss and Damage finance facility

9 Nov 2022

9 November 2022: While awaiting the full outcomes of the midterms elections in the United States, it is worth remembering that back in April more than 500 organizations from six continents sent a letter to President Biden and other world leaders, urging them to speed the end of the fossil fuel era and spur a […]

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COP27: “A new chapter to fight for Loss & Damage finance”

7 Nov 2022

7 November 2022:  For the first time ever in UN climate negotiations, loss and damage finance has made it onto the agenda. This is a historic moment. Small island nations have been raising this issue for over 30 years, and now it is a reality following a concerted push from developing countries and civil society. […]

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“COP27 must be a moment to put polluters on the dock, secure justice for those suffering from climate damages”

31 Oct 2022

31 October 2022:  Speaking today at an online press briefing on COP27, the UN Climate Summit set to begin in one week in Sharm El Sheikh in Egypt, civil society representatives of Climate Action Network emphasized that the real test of the success of this summit will be if it responds to the needs of […]

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CAN Reactions to the UNEP Emissions Gap Report 2022

27 Oct 2022

27 October 2022: Coming short on the heels of the UNFCCC NDC Synthesis Report published yesterday which showed that current pledges collectively put us on a 2.5°C warming pathway, the UNEP Emissions Gap Report, published today, further confirms that the world is grossly off track to address the scale of the climate crisis and to […]

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The climate crisis could increase African country debts by $1 trillion

17 Oct 2022

Sub-Saharan African countries will have to take on almost  $1 trillion in debt over the next ten years unless wealthy countries provide adequate finance to address the climate crisis, according to a new report published today by Debt Justice and Climate Action Network International [1]. This will amount to a 50% increase on current debt […]

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Over 400 organisations demand that Loss and Damage is on the agenda for COP27

6 Sep 2022

Photo credits : Kiara Worth / ENB Heads of Delegation meeting in Cairo, Egypt, this week offers the best chance to ensure the issue of Loss and Damage finance makes it into the formal agenda for the UN climate summit in Egypt in November  6 September 2022: Today over 400 organisations from all over the […]

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