
All non-governmental organisations or community non-profit organisations that do not represent industry, have an interest in the promotion of sustainable development and are active in, have a focus on, or are interested in climate change issues, are eligible to become members and may apply to do so.
CAN is organised into regional and national nodes. Each node is responsible for its own governance and procedures and conducts joint advocacy work within its given country or region. Hence, depending on their location of operation, organisations wishing to become members of CAN should first approach the relevant regional or national node to inquire regarding potential membership.
Click here to view a full list of CAN members.
Regional Nodes
- CAN Arab World (CANAW)
- CAN Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia (CAN EECCA)
- CAN Europe
- CAN Latin America (CANLA)
- Pacific Islands CAN (PICAN)
- CAN Africa
- Southern African Region CAN (SARCAN)
- CAN Eastern Africa
- CAN South East Asia (CANSEA)
- CAN South Asia
- CAN West and Central Africa (CANWA)
National Nodes
International members
- Action Aid International
- Amnesty International
- BirdLife International
- Carbon Care InnoLab
- CARE International
- Caritas International
- CBM Global Disability Inclusion Vereniging
- Christian Aid
- CliMates
- Climate Rights International
- EarthRights International
- FIAN International e.V.
- Greenpeace International
- Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives (GAIA)
- Global Catholic Climate Movement
- Global Climate and Health Alliance
- Global Network of Civil Society Organisations for Disaster Reduction
- Global Witness
- Greencross International
- Global Gas and Oil Network (GGON)
- Institute for Climate and Sustainable Cities
- Human Rights Watch
- HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation
- HelpAge International
- International Climate Development Institute (ICDI)
- International Solar Energy Society (ISES)
- International Student Environmental Coalition
- Lutheran World Federation
- Mercy for Animals
- Oil Change International
- Oxfam International
- Our Kids’ Climate
- Rainforest Alliance
- Save the Children International
- SNV Netherlands Development
- Solar Cookers International
- Taiwan Environmental Protection Union
- The Green Belt Movement International – Europe Office
- Wetlands International
- Wildlife Conservation Society
- World Vision International
- WWF – International
- Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF)
How to join CAN
All non-governmental organisations working on climate issues are eligible to join the CAN Network.
Those organisations based in regions or countries where there is a CAN regional or national node are encouraged to contact the relevant node via the links above.
You can also simply fill in the CAN Node Membership Enquiry Form here and we shall forward to CAN Node coordinators who will be in touch with you soon.
For international organisations with international scope or those based in a country not represented by any of the above CAN Regional or National Nodes, please fill out our International Membership Application.
Join CAN’s working groups
Already a member of CAN?
CAN Working Groups are designed based on the thematic priorities of CAN’s work particularly across the UNFCCC negotiations. Subscription to the Working groups are for CAN members only and non-members may apply through the special process.
Learn more and joining CAN Working Groups
Not a member yet?
Though CAN welcomes Non-Members to participate in our lists, those wishing to sign-up are subject to an additional process. If you are not affiliated with CAN, please follow the instructions below to submit a full application for participation.
CAN has 1800+ member organisations in over 130 countries:
Click the sidebar button on the upper left corner to view the map legend and expand the full list of member organisations.
- 1800 Member Organisations
- More than 130 Countries
- 22 Regional and National Nodes