As the primary source of the climate emergency, the need of the hour is to undermine and ultimately dismantle fossil fuel industries. CAN is committed to end their social license which is destroying the planet, harming people, driving species to extinction and exacerbating inequality and poverty around the world.

The influence of the fossil fuel lobby extends to obstructing progress on climate action in multilateral spaces, working through vested interests at the national level to delay action on climate change, funding strategies on climate denialism and by rejecting and obfuscating climate science.
By the end of 2020, governments, particularly the largest emitters, committed more than $250 billion to fossil fuels as part of their Covid19 economic stimulus plans. CAN works to stop the flow of public money into fossil fuel projects and hold governments to account to ensure that Covid19 recovery packages are just and equitable- that they invest in people’s welfare rather than the interests of polluters.

CAN supports a Just Transition away from fossil fuels. Together with our partners we leverage existing grassroots resistance campaigns to stop production and expansion of fossil fuels, support litigation efforts against fossil fuel projects, and to prevent the presence of fossil fuel lobbies and vested interests in multilateral climate fora.
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Big Shift Global Campaign

Big Shift is a multi-stakeholder, global campaign coordinated by organisations from the Global North and South calling for an end to public financing of fossil fuels and a shift to investing in sustainable, renewable energy to provide energy access for all. Together, we aim to make the people’s views on energy finance known to Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs), their Executive Directors, as well as the Heads of State and Finance Ministers of the members countries.
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Platform of Action on Renewables
PoA for renewables is scheduled to become a collective of Civil Society Organisations and like-minded allies, coordinated by CAN International, promoting renewable energy, energy efficiency and necessary related infrastructure to combat climate change and address other urgent environmental challenges in the context of energy. We are working towards a just and equitable phaseout of fossil fuels and expansion of renewables to achieve 100% renewable energy systems.