Press releases

Rich nations fail to show the money at Green Climate Fund Pledging Summit

5 Oct 2023

Today, rich nations committed in total pledged about 9.3 billion USD at the Green Climate Fund Pledging Summit in Bonn. Overall, the commitments are underwhelming against the scale of what is needed amidst the urgency of climate impacts that are hitting vulnerable communities in developing countries. Polluter nations failed to deliver their fair-share with Australia, Switzerland, Italy […]

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Civil Society Reactions to the IEA Net Zero Roadmap Report 

26 Sep 2023

26 September 2023: The International Energy Agency released its updated Net Zero Roadmap: A Global Pathway to keep the 1.5ºC Goal in Reach today. This new report offers a path forward for governments and decision-makers to make the right choices that will keep global warming below 1.5ºC. The report makes the following important points:  Quotes from civil society groups and […]

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Civil society reactions to UN Climate Ambition Summit

21 Sep 2023

20 September 2023: Several leaders made compelling statements at the UN Climate Ambition Summit today in New York. Leaders from Chile, Colombia and the Governor of California called out fossil fuels as the main cause of the climate crisis but some of the worst polluters- and among the richest countries – were conspicuous by their […]

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“UN summit must expose polluters and laggards and reset political will ahead of COP28”  

15 Sep 2023

UK PM Rishi Sunak’s no-show at the climate meet is ‘frankly embarrassing’, says campaigner while Biden’s presence raises questions about optics over substance given US’ poor climate targets  RECORDING OF THE BRIEFINGNEW Oil Change International report: ‘Planet Wreckers’ 14 September 2023: The fact that several world leaders will not attend the UNSG’s Climate Ambition Summit […]

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Civil society groups write to Rishi Sunak demanding that the UK uphold its climate finance promises 

7 Jul 2023

7 July 2023: Today, over 90 UK civil society groups – representing a spectrum of cross-cutting priorities- from climate and nature, humanitarian aid, development, trade unions and disability inclusion, have written to Prime Minister Rishi Sunak demanding that he honour the UK’s climate finance promise of £11.6bn and ensure its delivery as was promised in […]

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“Keep the promise” – over 90 civil society groups write to Rishi Sunak on climate finance

7 Jul 2023

Ninety-two UK civil society organisations from environment, international development, education, trade union, disability inclusion, trade, humanitarian, business, and faith groups have written to the Prime Minister Rishi Sunak today to demand that he keeps his promise on climate finance. The full text of the letter to the Prime Minister reads: Dear Prime Minister, Successive UK […]

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Civil society leaders slam Norway’s approval for new oil and gas licenses 

30 Jun 2023

30 June 2023: Civil society groups have condemned the Norwegian government’s decision to approve 19 new oil and gas projects. Climate impacts are making headlines as heatwaves, wildfires and drought grip different parts of the world. The science is explicitly clear –  any new fossil fuel production and expansion will shatter the 1.5C temperature threshold. […]

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PRESS RELEASE: Paris summit fails to raise the bar on truly transforming global finance

23 Jun 2023

Paris, 23 June 2023: The Paris Summit on a New Global Financing Pact concluded today with little to show on the ambition to truly transform the global financial system to boost climate action and drive development. By steering closer to private finance sources and tweaking on the edges of existing multilateral development banks, the summit […]

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Bonn climate talks: Finance and trust key to success for COP28

15 Jun 2023

Talks dominated by impasse on agenda exposes lack of trust in wealthy nations on delivery of finance   Bonn, 15 June 2023: The 10-day ‘agenda fight’ which dominated the UNFCCC Bonn climate talks brought to the fore the glaring lack of finance that is essential for climate progress.Decades of mistrust on the delivery of finance, for […]

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SB58 Press Briefing: Concern and progress as climate talks wrap up

14 Jun 2023

Picture credit: UNFCCC webcast 14 June, Bonn: The daily press briefing today by Climate Action Network focused on updates from the various technical discussions including on the Global Stocktake, the Technical Expert Dialogue on the long-term finance goal and highlighted findings from a new report by CARE on an analysis of country’s climate finance plans, […]

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