Press releases

Human Rights and Loss and Damage are not a footnote for countries to remove from text

8 Nov 2021

First Fossil of the Day Award goes to the United Kingdom and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia For the first Fossil of the Day in this second week of COP, we have a tie between Saudi Arabia and the UK for their sterling efforts in securing a weak new Work Programme on Action for Climate […]

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It is time to deliver funding for Loss and Damage, say civil society speakers at COP26

8 Nov 2021

Loss and Damage needs to be a permanent agenda in all UN climate talks; On eighth anniversary of Typhoon Haiyan, speakers say testimonies from those impacted directly from climate disasters must be heard within negotiating rooms. 8 November, Glasgow: Today’s Climate Action Network media briefing heard from survivors of extreme weather events linked to climate change […]

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COP26: Reactions from civil society on conclusion of week one of UN climate talks

6 Nov 2021

06 November 2021 Glasgow: As week one of the UN climate talks here in Glasgow conclude, civil society representatives call on governments to get serious on the real substance of the negotiations and come up with ambitious and concrete proposals to move discussions forward in the following week. With thousands of people marching in the streets in Glasgow […]

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COP26: All hands on deck needed to get a strong outcome on finance and loss and damage

5 Nov 2021

Negotiators in Glasgow must approach their work like their lives depend on it, urge civil society representatives  5 November 2021, Glasgow:  COP26, under the UK Presidency, must deliver on ambition if there are going to be ‘rays of sunshine’ at the talks and if developed nations are to rebuild trust in the process then there […]

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The Polish Government awarded Fossil of the Day for walking a very crooked line

4 Nov 2021

It appears that the Polish government isn’t exactly telling the truth about their pledge to quit coal.  Now if you’re sitting comfortably we’ll begin this sorry tale of coal addiction:  On the 3rd of November, as part of an international agreement, Poland, along with 40 other countries and organisations, pledged to quit coal. The agreement […]

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Slew of new declarations cannot distract from need for real commitments at COP26, warn civil society representatives

4 Nov 2021

4 November 2021, Glasgow: There is still a gulf between levels of climate finance the global South needs and what has so far been put on the negotiating table in Glasgow, today’s Climate Action Network media briefing at COP26 heard. Current high levels of political inaction will lead to a disastrous future for developing countries […]

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So the 4th of November is energy day at COP26 but is that positive or negative – you decide…

3 Nov 2021

First Fossil Award goes to the United States of America (USA) United States President Joe Biden, supported by the UK Government and others, launched the new ‘AIM for Climate’ (AIM4C) initiative at the World Leaders Summit innovation event. Did Joe think we’d be stuck in the line too long to notice that this is a […]

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COP26: UK urged to step up leadership; ensure support and finance to those facing severe climate impacts

3 Nov 2021

Issues persist on lack of access to civil society to key meetings at the UN climate talks. 3 November 2021, Glasgow: Against the context of the ongoing pandemic and the widening gap of access to vaccines between rich and poor countries, the Climate Action Network media briefing today at COP26, the UN climate talks, stressed […]

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Today´s list of Fossil Award winners is as long as the queues at COP

3 Nov 2021

First Fossil of the Day Award goes to Norway Norway likes to play the climate champion but behind closed doors, new prime minister Jonas Gahr Støre is gaining a reputation as a fossil fuel cheerleader. The Labour leader, who’s only been in charge for a few weeks, has, apparently, boasted to media that “Norwegian gas […]

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Fossil of the Day inaugurates with celebrating the UK´s spectacular organisation of COP26!

1 Nov 2021

Well, here we are again. In for yet another roller coaster ride through the climate negotiations that are COP26. This time, direct from sunny Glasgow, with its stunning Victorian architecture, lively spirit and basically its own language and sense of humour. And so to business and back by popular demand, the first of our ‘Fossil […]

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