Adaptation and Loss and Damage
The CAN Adaptation and Loss & Damage Working Group coordinates advocacy and policy work around adaptation and loss & damage. Within the UNFCCC, this encompasses work on different negotiation streams (e.g. National Adaptation Plans, Nairobi Work Programme) as well as following certain technical bodies (in particular, the Adaptation Committee and the Warsaw International Mechanism on Loss & Damage).
The group also contributes to crosscutting issues such as finance for adaptation and loss and damage and climate-induced displacement.
After the COP19 decision to establish a loss & damage mechanism, the group’s name was renamed to include loss and damage, reflecting the increasing relevance of loss & damage discussions as well as the “beyond adaptation” nature of this issue area. Given the close links to the adaptation debate and the overlap in individuals involved, it was decided to keep both issues in one group. The group has become very active in advocating for a new window of finance to be established for loss & damage.
The group also exchanges information on aspects beyond the negotiations related to adaptation and loss & damage. New active members are very welcome.
For more information, contact:
Laura Schäfer, Germanwatch:
Pratishtha Singh, CAN Canada: