CAN Submission on Glasgow–Sharm el-Sheikh work programme on the global goal on adaptation – Contributions to and views on the workshops to be held in 2023, including questions related to the themes of those workshops

February 2023


Climate Action Network, representing more than 1800 organisations globally, welcomes the information note on the Glasgow-Sharm el-Sheikh work programme (GlaSS) released by the Subsidiary Body Chairs. We welcome the note’s reiteration of the original objectives of the work programme but would like to emphasise the additional objective of “developing a framework for the global goal on adaptation” in Decision 3/CMA.4, which will provide clarity of purpose and output for the forthcoming workshops. At COP27, we witnessed detailed discussions and inputs from Parties around establishing a framework to guide the rest of the GlaSS work programme. We believe that the ultimate goal of the four workshops in 2023 should be to arrive at a comprehensive framework at COP28 that is acceptable to all Parties in addressing national and local level realities. 

2023 Workshops

Order of Workshops and Suggested Themes 

The success of the Global Goal on Adaptation (GGA) depends on the effectiveness of the four workshops in 2023 to provide the inputs for a successful framework to govern the process. The workshops should cover all themes outlined in Decision 3/CMA.4 in an effective manner, with each workshop building on the last and culminating in the framework being adopted at COP28. Therefore, it is crucial that the workshop themes follow each other in a logical progression and lead to tangible inputs in setting up the framework.  So the theme as outlined on paragraph 20 of the decision text -/CMA.4 should be included in different sessions of each workshop. In line with these considerations, we propose the following sequence of themes for the four remaining workshops as detailed in the table below. For each workshop, we present a rationale for its contribution to the operationalisation of the GGA and we include questions that could help steer the discussion during the workshops [Table 1].

Table 1: Proposed Workshop Order and Themes

Workshops    Workshops and Themes  Corresponding paragraph from Decision 3/CMA4  Contribution to the framework and the operationalisation of the GGA  Suggested workshop questions  
Workshop 5  Transformation in adaptation  (g) Changes in mindsets and world views towards transformation in adaptation, with the inclusion of Indigenous peoples’ wisdom, values and knowledge; Widens parameters for framework, normalises transformative adaptation and builds on embedded knowledge
  1. What does transformation in adaptation mean?
  2. Are we doing enough for adapting to climate change and building resilience to the current and future climate impacts to people and nature that are already locked in? If not,  what needs to happen?
  3. How can a focus on locally led adaptation contribute to the transformative approach?
Workshop 6 Mainstreaming the science, links to GST d) The systems and sectors set out in the contribution of Working Group II to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, with a focus on exploring options for enhancing efforts to mainstream adaptation in national priority areas or sectors; (h) Recent scientific research relevant to the global goal on adaptation; (i) The global stocktake  Ensures the framework is informed by best available science and insights from GST processes, and that GGA operates from a solid evidence base
  1. What temperature scenarios (1.5oC vs 2.7oC should we consider for a) understanding impacts, b) assessing climate risk, c) assessing vulnerability and exposure in the different geographic/landscape/sectors in developing the adaptation strategies?
  2. How does science help in transformation in adaptation?
  3. How will the GGA inform the first GST?
  4. What are the various reporting instruments for the GGA to inform the GST?
Workshop 7 How, who, where (b) Means of implementation for achieving the global goal on adaptation; (c) The steps of an iterative adaptation cycle: risk and impact assessment; planning; implementation; and monitoring, evaluation and learning; taking into account 

e) Gender-responsiveness; intergenerational and gender equity and social justice; ecosystem- and community-based adaptation; governance at the local, national and regional level; transboundary approaches; private sector engagement; traditional, local and indigenous peoples’ knowledge; and human rights;

Provides an actionable framework for the effective realisation of the GGA at all scales utilising natural and social solutions through an inclusive and equitable focus
  1. What are the missing elements that  need to be realised in connecting local action to global level on Adaptation?
  2. How to assess the gaps in means of implementation?
  3. What are the next steps to support the implementation of the GGA in countries?
Workshop 8 Evaluating & reporting (a) Target-setting, metrics, methodologies and indicators for the global goal on adaptation; and providing the ToR for (f) The stocktake of the Glasgow–Sharm el-Sheikh work programme; Considers and provides options for ensuring that adaptation actions under the GGA are monitored and evaluated and establishes a review of the GlaSS process

Consolidation of the Framework for GGA to be adopted at COP28 

  1. How can we integrate local adaptation achievements into national and global reporting structures?
  2. How can we set up the global reporting structures to accumulate the adaptation outcomes that feed into overall GGA vision?
  3. How to assess and effectively address adaptation gaps regarding  finance, planning, capacity, technology, and implementation?
  4. How to set up global targets, metrics and indicators that can measure and integrate local-to-national level cross-cutting adaptation outcomes to the global level?
  5. What are the critical elements of the GGA framework?

Workshop Modalities

We welcome the option of active virtual participation for meetings to facilitate the equitable and meaningful involvement of all stakeholders. We also welcome the inclusion of breakout groups, facilitated panel discussions, and presentations by party and non-party participants. This will allow local voices at each workshop to contribute to filling the framework. We note the effectiveness of the “world cafe” model utilised by the GST and suggest this as a component of workshops, allowing for a less formal and more inclusive mode for expressing views and contributions.

Other Considerations 

Permanent Agenda Item on GGA: The work programme should propose that GGA becomes an overarching adaptation agenda item to be considered at each SB and COP. This can include and synergise the historically separate deliberations of the Adaptation Committee, the Adaptation Fund, and the Nairobi Work Programme.

National Planning Processes: The workshops should embrace the role of National Adaptation Plans providing a commitment to GGA and measure of adaptation action as NDC’s do for mitigation.

Local Realities: Ultimately adaptive capacity, vulnerability and resilience is about people. The GGA should reflect this and be prepared to break from established mindsets and worldviews of national action and include the consideration and centrality of people where they are and the effects of climate breakdown on their environment. This consideration should embrace the advantages of local leadership and the principles that facilitate it,  take into consideration the needs of different gender groups, and be aware of the perils of maladaptation as identified by IPCC and others. 

Download file: http://Climate-Action-Network-submission-on-GlaSS-work-programme_February-2023.pdf

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