
Getting to the Core of Article 6

4 Dec 2015

ECO is worried that the lengthy conversations about future contributors to climate finance may be helping developed countries avoid provisions today for more adequate and predictable support. Because, with time running out, ECO is fearful that Article 6 may be reduced to little more than a compromise on differentiation, a bit on ex-ante information (the […]

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Insure Loss and Damage in the Paris Agreement

3 Dec 2015

Delegates, as you must be aware by now (although some of you do show some need for additional lessons), loss and damage has a range of elements, including slow onset and extreme events, and financial and non-economic elements. And loss and damage will impact the poorest worst. ECO welcomes insurance initiatives, such as the G7 […]

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The Right(s) Call

3 Dec 2015

ECO has enjoyed hearing Parties’ visions for the new agreement. Especially those that highlighted the need for an agreement that supports human rights, including the rights of indigenous peoples. ECO loved hearing from Parties who said that a Paris agreement will only be successful if it’s rooted in gender equality and intergenerational equity, delivering food […]

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ICAO and IMO: Hiding from Their Responsibilities in a Bunker

3 Dec 2015

You’ve heard about the Fossil: even with HUGE emissions, ICAO and IMO’s contribution to COP21 are all recycled promises, delivered to the SBSTA. The agreement must send ICAO and IMO a clear signal–they have to do their fair share to help us stay below the 1.5 or 2°C limit. They must increase their ambition, and […]

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Dirty Shipping and Aviation Set for Collision with Fossil Awards

3 Dec 2015

Not a Party, but two international organisations received the First Place Fossil today: the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) and the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO). Put your tray tables up and close the port holes–IMO and ICAO have the same emissions as Japan and Germany combined! These emissions are currently exempt from inclusion in the […]

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An EU of (WS)2 Minds

3 Dec 2015

Did you know ECO can be in several rooms at the same time? Usually, ECO finds this quite helpful. Sometimes, though, it just leaves us thoroughly confused. Take the case of the EU yesterday. In the contact group discussions, the EU stressed that Parties’ targets are not strong enough and ambition needs to be increased […]

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Cycling Together

3 Dec 2015

ECO has no doubt that parties came to Paris with the best of intentions, and are keen to make sure we stay below 2°C. The party spoiler is that we’ve been warned that we are on a more-than-3°C track. And ECO knows that even 2°C is too much. How can we increase the stakes to […]

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Where Is the Bridge Builder? 

2 Dec 2015

  Yesterday, the Climate Vulnerable Forum declaration sent a resounding call to make the 1.5°C target real. Today, we continue to focus on the reality of climate impacts.  Developing countries are at risk of acute climate damage and enormous adaptation costs. The European Union has a major role to play in ensuring the Paris agreement […]

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Truly Transformational: African Renewable Energy Initiative 

2 Dec 2015

The Africa Renewable Energy Initiative (AREI) was launched yesterday, representing a breakthrough on renewable energy development. AREI could help Africa leapfrog into low-carbon development. As one African dignitary said at the launch: ‘Sunshine should do more than nourish our crops, it must power our homes.’ The goal of AREI is to build at least 100GW of […]

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A Different Differentiation 

2 Dec 2015

If we don’t honestly and courageously deal with the differentiation challenge, we’re going to get a low ambition agreement.  Self-differentiation is not good enough. Neither is political differentiation that reflects only power and negotiation games. In submitting their INDCs, developing countries have made the first move to progress beyond the Kyoto categories set out in […]

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