Dirty Shipping and Aviation Set for Collision with Fossil Awards
3 December 2015
Not a Party, but two international organisations received the First Place Fossil today: the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) and the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO).
Put your tray tables up and close the port holes–IMO and ICAO have the same emissions as Japan and Germany combined! These emissions are currently exempt from inclusion in the Paris agreement and IMO and ICAO are doing their worst here to keep it that way. Yet without action, emissions from bunkers will grow 270% by 2050–sinking any chance of limiting temperature rise to safer levels.
International shipping and aircraft enjoy tax free fuel to the tune of over 60 billion bucks, yet don’t want to contribute to climate finance. No wonder the Foreign Minister of the Marshall Islands called the IMO Secretary General ‘a danger to the planet’.
Coming in hot with today’s Second Place Fossil of the Day award is Turkey. While other developing nations like Mexico, the Philippines and the 43 members of the Climate Vulnerable Forum are bringing lots of positive leadership to the table, Turkey is making a goose of itself.
It’s pretty clear Turkey’s role at these discussions is aimed at extracting as much climate finance as possible. However, its INDC suggests that Turkey’s contribution is a 100% increase in greenhouse gas emissions (on 2013 levels)! You could call that money for nothing.
Dirty Shipping and Aviation Set for Collision with Fossil Awards