
Voice of voiceless is to be heard!

8 Jul 2011

Manjeet Dhakal Clean Energy Nepal Policy and Advocacy Officer/ Act. Program Director Nepal Regardless of whatever the outcome was Copenhagen was successful in making a historical gathering of a large number of participants among the UNFCCC COPs. On a freezing Copenhagen streets, people from around the world demonstrated and urged world leaders to limit developed […]

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Mexico is leading and being aggressive in addressing Climate Change

8 Jul 2011

Sandra Guzman Program Director Air and Energy Mexican Center of Environmental Law (CEMDA) Mexico Mexico has been considered one of the most active players in the process of international negotiations on climate change in recent years. In Poznan, Poland during the Fourteenth Conference of the Parties (COP14), Mexico committed to cut its emissions to 50% […]

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Finding Myself in Finance

8 Jul 2011

Mahlet Eyassu Climate Change Program Manager Forum for Environment Ethiopia Being a Southern Capacity Building fellow for the second time is a very big advantage for me. When I was one of the SCBP fellows last year I have acquired a lot of knowledge on how negotiations are undertaken and also CSOs role in the […]

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Farewell Bonn, Hello… Who Knows?

17 Jun 2011

At the time ECO went to press, we’d heard all sorts of rumors about where the next intersessional might be: Panama, Bangkok, Mars? But despite this week’s lunar eclipse, our thoughts are firmly earthbound. ECO is confident that parties can see the sense in holding another intersessional, including workshops, technical negotiations, and the resumed sessions […]

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When the Rubber Hits the Road, Will Civil Society be Left Behind?

16 Jun 2011

Last week, ECO wondered if Parties would “walk the walk” on supporting civil society participation. The full-day workshop included many nice words and sentiments, but ECO has heard a lot of those and is rather interested in whether those words would be followed up with action. Now the rubber is hitting the road in the […]

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Shared Vision Needed Before Durban

16 Jun 2011

ECO loves workshops, and luckily, there more are to come! For instance, the facilitators of the shared vision informal have keenly noticed an interest by Parties to hold one more workshop on what a long-term global goal for emission reductions might mean for developing countries – and ECO would add  – global peaking year. Here […]

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Getting to Know the MRV

16 Jun 2011

ECO was excited that Parties started to discuss the more technical aspects of MRV. Has someone finally noticed our cries for progress? Of course, ECO is dismayed that except for some older agenda items in the SBI, none of these meetings have been open. The discussions around biennial reporting, IAR, and ICA (you know, the […]

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Ethiopia: Taking climate change issues seriously

15 Jun 2011

Mahlet Eyassu Climate Change Program Manager Forum for Environment Ethiopia Ethiopia is one of the least developed countries with most of its economic bases dependent on traditional and backward modes of production. The main stay of the livelihood of more than 85% of the population is rain-fed agriculture and more than 12 million people are […]

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Four C

14 Jun 2011

Lina Li Consultant Shanshui Conservation Center China Chinese people like simplifying things. So I'd like to use four key words (all of which initial with initial C) to take you through a brief update at what we (the Chinese NGOs) are doing in China to combat climate change. 1. China It might be too early […]

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1000 emails

14 Jun 2011

Mamady Kobele Keita Climate change team leader Guinee Ecologie Guinea As a CAN International Southern Capacity Building Fellow, I am attending the UNFCCC June session in Bonn. Interestingly, if you want to be efficient during the climate change sessions, your best means is the email. I couldn’t imagine how useful can this tool be in […]

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