
Bring Out the Tequila

25 May 2012

Watching the UNFCCC process from afar, one may well feel that the world is trying to address its carbon addiction by developing a new addiction to endless agenda fights. While many of the countries most responsible for climate change provide excuse upon excuse for woefully inadequate mitigation action, others are putting their shoulders to the […]

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Ask Poland

25 May 2012

Both developed and developing countries often complain that the EU will not answer their legitimate questions, such as "What is the EU position on carrying forward AAU surpluses?" and "As a so-called leader, why does the EU not move to at least a 30 percent domestic target, having already achieved around 17% reductions on 1990 […]

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CAN Collectibles: European Union

25 May 2012

**Errata: Yesterday's collectible indicated there was a "secret message" embedded in the series. That should have read "notsosecret message". The message is that countries should increase their ambition for Qatar. ECO regrets this confusion, but hopes that this was especially clear to Parties who reread the entire series, searching for the hidden message.**   European […]

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Small But Powerful

24 May 2012

The Review is sometimes thought of as a minor agenda item. ECO does not agree. It reincorporates scientific findings in the political UNFCCC negotiations in order to raise ambition and close the gigatonne gap. So, negotiators, if you happened to forget its significance, this is a reminder to pay sufficient attention to the discussion on […]

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CAN Classifieds

24 May 2012

Beautiful but totally isolated country in central Europe desperately seeks a friend with a common interest in coal. Our present so-called friends do not appreciate our tradition of carrying forward iconic things even if they are worthless. They do not understand that possessing the biggest European lignite deposit obliges us to make use of it. […]

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ICAO stuck in bunker

24 May 2012

SBSTA missed yet another opportunity yesterday to take action on bunker fuels (i.e. fuels used for international transport). At 3.5 per cent per year, emissions from aviation constitute the fastest growing greenhouse gas emission sector worldwide. Yet they are not included in Climate Convention (CC) or Kyoto commitments, Parties do not have to report on […]

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“cheer up” the LCA and KP

24 May 2012

YOUNGO members urged Parties to "cheer up" the LCA and KP tracks by giving them their attention…and ambition. Many passing delegates obliged.Credit: Young Friends of the Earth Europe

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CAN Collectibles: New Zealand!

24 May 2012

Read the Series Again to Spot the Secret Message! Fast Facts About Countries That Can Increase Their Ambition in Qatar Also Makes a Great Paper Hat!   National term of endearment/greeting: Bro/Mate Annual alcohol consumption: 9.6 litres per person per year Annual cheese consumption: 5.7 kilograms per person per year Best things about New Zealand: […]

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CAN Classifieds

23 May 2012

ECO received so many requests for C.B. in its first classified advert yesterday that it thought more readers might be interested in what other globe-trotting readers had to offer. We think there is something for almost everyone below, and encourage more submissions. The LCA Moving Companyis now offering services in Canada, the US, Japan and […]

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CAN Collectibles: United Kingdom!

23 May 2012

Now With 50% More Ambition! Fast Facts About Countries That Can Increase TheirAmbition in Qatar   National term of greeting: “How do you do?”, accompanied by a firm handshake. Annual alcohol consumption: 8.3 litres per person per year Annual cheese consumption: 6.1 kilograms per person per year Best things about the UK: A strong sense […]

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