
In the search for positiveness

17 Dec 2013

Enrique Maurtua Konstantinidis Fundación Biosfera Climate Action Network Latin America (CANLA) While the final COP plenary was moving ahead with weak outcomes, many parties were leaving the room, and only counterproductive voices were making echo in the room. Some Latin American countries, those with proactive intentions, those who see a future where everyone takes responsibility […]

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Warsaw Wrap-up!

17 Dec 2013

Vositha Wijenayake Climate Action Network South Asia (CANSA)   COP19 came to an end, and most of us were home-bound when it did reach its end. This article is an attempt to sum-up the key elements of what was decided (or not decided) in Warsaw.   There were several key decisions taken at the COP […]

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Global Climate Politics: less instead of more climate protection

17 Dec 2013

Sixbert Simon Mwanga Climate Action Network – Tanzania The UN climate change meeting (COP19) was concluded in the city of Warsaw in Poland on 23rd November 2013. Initially the meeting was planned to wind up on 22nd November 2013. Like in many other UN climate change negotiations, COP19 witnessed developed countries acting as last minute brokers to […]

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Health Tips for Fasting

11 Dec 2013

  – Speak to your doctor about your plans and make sure to inform them of any relevant medical history. – Don't overexert yourself. Keep physical activity to a minimum. – Don’t forget to drink plenty of water – at least 2 liters of water per day, plus herbal tea is a good option. If […]

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Intervention at the Post 2015 Open Working Group on Energy

4 Dec 2013

 –        We are concerned to hear some Parties sequencing the energy discussion, saying that we need to ensure energy access before sustainability. Creating an atmosphere of competition between the two. For us it is not the case, and we see them mutually reinforcing. For example, decentralized RE in most cases is the cheapest and […]

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Sustainable energy access for all and the post-2015 Sustainable Development Agenda

29 Nov 2013

Integrating climate change into the post-2015 agenda: HOW and WHY? With special focus on sustainable energy access for all Time and Date: 27 Nov 2013, 1.15-2.30 pm,  Location: Conference Room 7, UN HQ, New York This side event during the 5th session of the Open Working Group on SDGs will tackle two crucial topics that are prerequisite to […]

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Integrating sustainable energy and climate change into the Post-2015 agenda: how and why?

29 Nov 2013

Integrating sustainable energy and climate change into the Post-2015 agenda: how and why? Time: 26 November 2013, 8am-9am Location: Amartya Sen Conference Room, FF Building, New York.  Introduction The aim of the post-2015 development framework is to “eradicate extreme poverty in all its forms while ensuring a sustainable development path for all countries”. However, climate change is an […]

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Can the Warsaw summit take a significant step towards more climate justice for all?

29 Nov 2013

Ange David Baimey  Jeunes Volontaires pour l'Environnement Cote d'Ivoire In the beginning of June 2013, a World Bank report described a frightful scenario for the future. A few months ago, in September 2013, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in the first installment of its 5th report underlined that we are on a trajectory […]

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COP 19 : “I Care”, Do You?

27 Nov 2013

Henriette Imelda Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR) Leaving for Warsaw, for COP 19, with the Polish Government’s promises in mind that COP 19 would be the Finance COP, has – to some extend –  given me a bowl-full-of-expectations. Finally, I thought, the climate change negotiations will turn into a positive, meaningful, and fruitful talks. Walking […]

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Opportunities for a change – Why COP 19 is important for Latin America

27 Nov 2013

Enrique Maurtua Konstantinidis Fundación Biosfera Climate Action Network Latin America (CANLA) While UNFCCC negotiations continue in COP 19, countries still struggle to make significant progress on crucial issues that are due to be agreed in this COP. Many issues need to be covered by the end of this week if we want to be certain […]

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