Press releases

Study reveals 100% renewable energy in Chile can save 1500 lives a year

1 Sep 2015

Chile’s Citizens’ Committee on Climate Change labels government plans for climate action insufficient. Tuesday, September 1, 2015 – Santiago, Chile: A new study has been launched by the Chilean Citizens’ Committee on Climate Change showing that by switching to 100% renewable energy by 2050 the country could: avoid spending $5.3 billion a year on fossil […]

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UN climate talks in Bonn get into procedure, while momentum for action reaches new heights

31 Aug 2015

  Climate Action Network News View this email in your browser  UN climate talks in Bonn get into procedure, while momentum for action reaches new heights FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Bonn, Germany – Monday, August 31, 2015: Today marks the start of the week-long UN climate negotiations in Bonn, as negotiators continue to make progress before meeting in in Paris […]

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Webcast Media Briefing: CAN outlines expectations for UN climate talks

30 Aug 2015

Bonn, Germany – Monday, August 31, 2015: Expert observers will brief reporters on their forecast for the week-long UN climate negotiations which get underway in Bonn today. The session opens as we move closer to the major meeting in Paris in December which must finalise a comprehensive and universal climate agreement that should protect people from climate risks […]

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Islamic Climate Declaration calls for fossil fuel phase out

18 Aug 2015

Istanbul, Turkey – 18 August. Islamic leaders from 20 countries today launched a bold Climate Change Declaration to engage the world’s 1.6 billion Muslims on the issue of our time. Adopted by the 60 participants at the International Islamic Climate Change Symposium, (Istanbul, 17-18 August) the Declaration urges governments to deliver a strong, new international climate […]

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Civil Society Reactions: Global Sustainable Development agenda finalised in New York

3 Aug 2015

August 3 – New York: The world has updated its to do list to drive solutions to our biggest problems – poverty, inequality and climate change – after the new Global Sustainable Development agenda was finalised in New York on Sunday in preparation for ratification by world leaders at a major UN summit in September. The […]

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CAN reacts as Finance for Development Conference closes in Addis Ababa

17 Jul 2015

ADDIS ABABA, JULY 16, 2015:  Financing for Development Conference closed in Addis Ababa today with the release of an outcome document summing up governments’ thinking on how to generate and manage the funds necessary to allow countries to develop sustainably. The conference comes ahead of two big summits – the first in New York in September and […]

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CAN responds as China launches climate action plan towards Paris agreement

30 Jun 2015

China has lodged its climate action commitment towards the new climate agreement which is due to be signed in Paris this December. The pledge included a commitment to slash the carbon intensity of its economy between 60-65% by 2030 based on 2005 levels with the aim of peaking pollution levels by around 2030. China has also committed to increasing […]

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Civil Society Reactions: Papal Encyclical for Climate Action

18 Jun 2015

Vatican City, Italy – June 18, 2015 –  NGOs have today welcomed Pope Francis' strong moral case for people and leaders to tackle climate change delivered in today's historic Papal Encyclical. In a rare open letter that will shape Catholic teaching, His Holiness Pope Francis laid out our moral imperative to “care for our common home” and end the inequalities which are driving interlinked problems […]

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Civil Society Reactions: UN Climate Negotiations close in Bonn

11 Jun 2015

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Bonn, Germany – June 11, 2015 –  NGO observers called out the juxtaposition between growing real world momentum for a 100% renewable energy world and the slow pace of the UN climate negotiations which close in Bonn today. In the negotiations toward a new global climate agreement due to be signed in Paris this December, countries will […]

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G7 puts the end of fossil fuels on the global agenda, now for more action to get us there

8 Jun 2015

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Bonn, Germany – June 8, 2015 –  Climate Action Network (CAN) members commented today on what the groundbreaking call to decarbonise the global economy this century coming out of the G7 meeting means for UN climate negotiations.  The UN climate talks currently underway in Bonn are designed to push forward a new global agreement on climate change due to be […]

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