Press releases

PRESS RELEASE: Big Shift Global Campaign on World Bank Annuals

11 Oct 2017

BIG SHIFT GLOBAL CAMPAIGN As the World Bank gears up for its Annual Meetings this week, the Big Shift Global coalition demands that the Bank stick to its promise and follow a truly green growth pathway to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement to keep warming below 1.5C.It is unacceptable that the World Bank continues to fund fossil fuel […]

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The World We Want: Civil society urges G20 leaders to step up action on global challenges

19 Jun 2017

Climate change, global inequality and implementing the Sustainable Development Goals were high on the agenda of civil society’s discussions 19 June 2017, Hamburg: The Civil20 (C20) Summit concluded here today with over 300 civil society groups from around the world urging the world’s largest and richest countries of the G20 to commit to firm and […]

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G20 Summit: A strong show of support for climate from G19 but words must translate into action

19 Jun 2017

Trump isolated as world leaders reaffirm commitments to tackle dangerous climate change 8 July 2017, Hamburg: Climate Action Network welcomes the G20 summit’s commitment to strengthen climate action. This is the first time a G20 Summit has produced a detailed Climate and Energy Action Plan outlining a to-do list to jointly tackle climate change. All […]

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A new approach to climate narratives research in the Global South: findings from pilot project in India

13 Jun 2017

Renewables are the clean energy source that will free us and our children from disease and dependence on imports. Relying on the abundance of nature, renewables draw energy from the sun, water and the wind to provide us and our children health, self-reliance, prosperity and modernity while restoring harmony and natural balance. This is how one […]

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Civil society strongly condemns Trump’s decision to withdraw US from the Paris Agreement

1 Jun 2017

1 June 2017:  The decision to withdraw the US from the Paris Agreement signals that the Trump Administration is in total discord with both reality and the rest of the world. The Agreement, ratified by 147 out of the 197 signatory countries, entered into force in 2016 with unprecedented speed, demonstrating that countries are determined to move […]

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Bonn climate talks: Countries come together to make progress even as US position on Paris Agreement remains ambiguous

18 May 2017

Negotiators worked through details of the rulebook, an operational blueprint that will ensure the effective implementation of the Paris Agreement 18 May 2017- Bonn: Climate Action Network welcomes the progress made in Bonn with negotiators advancing work on the implementation of the Paris Agreement. Countries stayed focused on the task at hand: building on the […]

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Letter to G7 Sherpas: Make climate change a priority

25 Apr 2017

“The G7 has played a pivotal role in shaping multilateral diplomacy and international climate policy and in upholding the principles of sustainable growth and development. We need this leadership now more than ever.All G7 countries have ratified the Paris Agreement and must deliver on commitments to limit the increase in global temperature well below 2°C […]

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Trump signs orders reversing climate policies- harming jobs, health and the economy

28 Mar 2017

28 March 2017: The world stood in shock as President Trump signed executive orders rolling back the Clean Power Plan and promoting outdated fossil fuels. While more than 190 countries are moving forward, as they agreed in Paris, towards a clean energy future, President Trump is taking America backwards by signing executive orders that will revive […]

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Business, civil society and think tanks call on G20 to lead the way on implementing the Paris Agreement

22 Mar 2017

Business, civil society and think tanks call on G20 to lead the way on implementing the Paris Agreement 22 March 2017: Climate Action Network welcomes the joint statement by the G20 Climate and Energy Engagement Groups. The B20 [Business 20], C20 [Civil 20] and the T20 [think tanks] working groups on climate and energy have […]

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Civil society calls on Trump to ‘Make America Great’ by acting on climate change and investing in renewables

20 Jan 2017

20 January 2017: As President Trump takes office today, Climate Action Network calls on this new administration not to turn its back on climate change and to choose to be on the right side of history by addressing one of the gravest global issue confronting us today. “Trump was elected because the American people want […]

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