Press releases

CVF Summit Thematic Panel: Stepping Up Climate Ambition to meet the 1.5oC Warming Limit

14 Nov 2018

13 November 2018 The thematic panel discussions are an important and exciting part of the CVF Summit and the panel “Stepping Up Climate Ambition to Meet the 1.5oC Warming Limit” organized by Climate Action Network (CAN) and partners certainly is no exception.  The panel will take place on 22 November at 14.00 GMT and will include high-level speakers from Greenpeace, Costa […]

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Statement by Dr. Stephan Singer, CAN Secretariat

8 Nov 2018

8 November 2018 Climate Action Network (CAN), a member-led network of over 1300 non-governmental organizations in over 120 countries, is committed to promoting government and individual action to limit human-induced climate change and advocates for the full decarbonisation of economies as soon as possible. As the focal point responsible for leading operations within the CAN […]

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Administrative Announcement

7 Nov 2018

7 November 2018   The CAN International Board has received a number of serious complaints over the past few days. The Board takes these complaints extremely seriously and will commission an independent workplace investigation.   To facilitate the smooth execution of the investigation and to protect the confidentiality of all parties concerned, the Board has decided […]

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IPCC: Watershed report shines light on radical actions needed to keep global warming to 1.5C

8 Oct 2018

The IPCC’s latest scientific assessment on keeping global warming to a 1.5°C pathway highlights that massive reduction in greenhouse gas emissions in the next decade is critical to protect ecosystems, avoid catastrophic impacts and promote sustainable development. The political will to make this happen must inspire governments to lead  action. The report must input into the Talanoa […]

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IPCC 1.5°C Report: “With evidence from science, governments will have nowhere to hide”

4 Oct 2018

The report, expected to serve as a ‘rescue plan for humanity’,  will show 1.5°C is the new 2°C in terms of impacts and provide detailed signposts for policymakers on pathways to limit warming to 1.5°C    [Listen to the full recording of the briefing] 04 October, Incheon: Civil society representatives at a press conference here by Climate […]

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Civil society organisations react as Bangkok climate talks conclude

9 Sep 2018

9 September, Bangkok: As climate talks end in Bangkok, civil society organisations acknowledge that while there has been progress on the negotiating text for the Paris Rulebook it has been uneven. Substantive issues on finance and differentiation, among others, still hang in the balance. To reach an ambitious deal in Katowice, which includes a strong […]

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Last stretch of Bangkok climate talks must see clarity on finance

8 Sep 2018

Hundreds of thousands of people will demonstrate this weekend against political inaction on climate change even as negotiations lay the groundwork for UN climate talks in December 8 September, BANGKOK: With just two days to go until the Bangkok climate talks wrap up, the glaring void of finance is staring us in the face and […]

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Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVF) Countries Forging Ahead with Implementing the Marrakech Vision on 100% Renewable Energy

17 Jul 2018

PRESS RELEASE For Immediate Release Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVF) Countries Forging Ahead with Implementing the Marrakech Vision on 100% Renewable Energy New York, 17 July 2018: Today, two years after the Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVF) shook the work by announcing a bold vision to achieve ‘100% domestic renewable energy production as rapidly as possible while working […]

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The Announcement of the Climate Vulnerable (CVF) Summit Gives New Hope that the Paris Agreement on Climate will be Implemented

27 Jun 2018

Patricia Espinosa, Co-Chair of the Global Climate Action Summit and Executive Secretary of UN Climate Change, said “The Forum is a clear demonstration of how and why the world needs to address the climate challenge. Not only have its member nations adopted some of the most ambitious climate targets to date, but their exposure to […]

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Climate Action Network welcomes the declaration by 23 nations to step up their climate ambition

22 Jun 2018

21 June 2018: Climate Action Network (CAN) welcomes the declaration by 23 nations to step up climate ambition. The declaration, issued on the sidelines of a week of ministerial meetings on climate change, underscores the urgency for countries to enhance their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) by 2020 in line with the Paris Agreement; put in […]

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