Press releases

Leaders’ Climate Summit: US must show it’s ready to pay the international debt it owes towards equitable & just climate action, say civil society representatives

21 Apr 2021

Recording of the press briefing RESOURCES:USA Fairshares NDCMedia backgrounder from the Global Gas and Oil Network 20 April 2021: Ahead of the Leaders’ Climate Summit on 22 and 23 April, hosted by President Biden of the United States of America, speakers at a press conference organised by Climate Action Network (CAN) and the Global Gas and […]

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“Governments are failing to keep warming below 1.5°C”

26 Feb 2021

Members of Climate Action Network react to the interim Synthesis Report published today that shows collective ambition of nationally determined contributions submitted so far.

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Climate Adaptation Summit 2021: Usual reassurances to act on climate crisis but no new finance to match words to action

26 Jan 2021

The Climate Adaptation Summit concludes today with the launch of the Adaptation Action Coalition, a new international coalition launched by the UK COP26 Presidency to turn political commitments into adaptation action on the ground. But no new and additional financial pledges were made by rich countries to specifically support adaptation.

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“World leaders must recognise youth as climate advocates in the streets AND in decision-making spaces”

17 Dec 2020

17 December 2020: Young people around the world have been instrumental in mobilising for climate action and leading public demand for a transformational response from governments to the climate and ecological crises. Speakers at a youth-focused press briefing hosted today by Climate Action Network reminded world leaders that distant plans to cut emissions and a failure […]

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Reactions from civil society to announcements from the UN/COP26 Climate Ambition Summit

12 Dec 2020

12 December 2020: Today the United Nations, the United Kingdom and France co-hosted the Climate Ambition Summit 2020, in partnership with Chile and Italy.

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Climate leadership from big emitters is key to limit warming to 1.5°C in post-Covid19 era: civil society representatives

11 Dec 2020

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Climate Change Performance Index 2021: Still no country good enough; EU stands at a crossroads

7 Dec 2020

New ranking of 58 countries with the highest emissions published today:– None of the countries surveyed are on a path compatible with the Paris Agreement goals– Emissions are decreasing in more than half of the countries analyzed– Seven EU states and the EU as a whole receive a “high” rating for climate protection, but five […]

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EU leaders must raise climate ambition to curb rising costs of global warming to the continent

14 Oct 2020

MEDIA ADVISORY See the original post at the CAN Europe website EU heads of state and government will discuss the level of the new EU 2030 emission reductions target at the European Council this week. Raising the climate ambition of the bloc in line with the Paris Agreement is essential to limit the growing economic […]

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Amidst rising climate disasters activists lay out a vision for the #WorldWeWant

14 Oct 2020

All governments must protect their citizens from disease and disasters and submit ambitious climate action plans before the end of the year See the complete press pack here. 12 October 2020: Against the backdrop of an intensifying climate crisis, Climate Action Network (CAN) today launched the #WorldWeWant Campaign on Climate Impacts. The campaign will highlight the voices […]

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How to engage and participate in the collective push

11 Oct 2020

Share this teaser video on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook with CAN Executive Director Tasneem Essop’s message – here are suggested messages to go with it  Look out for the comms pack and digital assets and repost the videos according to the set schedule or share your own stories Use the hashtag #WorldWeWant, change your profile […]

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