
Do You Recognise Me?

1 Dec 2015

On the first day of any COP, ECO always finds itself wandering the halls, orienting where the best coffee is, or where the plenaries will be. It goes without saying that ECO is pleased to see old friends and familiar faces working towards a safer climate future. But, with so many people in Le Bourget, […]

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Le Tour du COP

30 Nov 2015

Bonjour and welcome to the 21st edition of Le Tour du COP! Participants in Paris have two weeks to show the world what they’re made of. ECO welcomes the ADP’s early start and expects governments to treat COP21 as a turning point, where they agree to a transformation that is much faster;  just; and has […]

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A Better World Is Possible

30 Nov 2015

Now, more than ever, an ambitious Paris agreement can be a sign that a better world is possible. The new climate agreement must show solidarity with those on the frontline of climate impacts. These communities have suffered: 30,000 people are killed each year in disasters that are related to climate change. Loss and damage is […]

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Rules Rule!

30 Nov 2015

In your country, does traffic drive on the left or the right? Imagine a road filled with large trucks, driving at uncontrollable speeds, on both sides of the road, and you’re in the middle of it all – on a bicycle. Exactly! When rules aren’t clear or don’t work properly, the most vulnerable that suffer […]

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Ready For Climate Action Now. Will You Walk With Us?

30 Nov 2015

Melbourne, Australia; Quezon city, Philippines; Cairo, Egypt; Apia, Samoa; Tokyo, Japan; Kathmandu, Nepal; Wellington, New Zealand; Majuro, Marshall Islands; Dhaka, Bangladesh, and many more. Over the weekend, hundreds of thousands of people marched in the streets calling for climate action. And those who couldn’t march, including here in Paris, were represented by friends across the […]

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Play It Straight on Workstream 2 and Adaptation 

30 Nov 2015

The dynamic, lovable beast we know as Workstream 2 is our best apparent opportunity to bend the emissions trajectory downward by 2020. It has also been a beacon of hope that Parties can work together to develop climate solutions. Also, some of these solutions, such as renewable energy and energy efficiency, have massive co-benefits beyond […]

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Form Over Substance In The Final Technology Text?

30 Nov 2015

ECO has a sense of déjà vu when it comes to technology in the Paris agreement. As in Cancun, Durban, and all the way back to Marrakech, the technology text and decision seems doomed to repeat history: choosing new technology institutions rather than real, substantive commitments. The current agreement text removes all substantive commitments found […]

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The Paris Agreement: A Springboard for transformative change?

30 Nov 2015

  Please join Climate Action Network International in discussion how the Paris agreement needs to kick start short- and long-term transformative change of economic systems nationally and globally. In this side event, Climate Action Network and country delegations will outline the key components for achieving adequacy, ambition and overall fairness in Paris, and provide an outlook on […]

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WS2 and Adaptation: The Talk of the Talks

23 Oct 2015

ECO hears rumours that Parties have discussed the possibility of having a Technical Examination Process (TEP) on adaptation, and we’d be delighted if this was true. After all, there are more gaps in these negotiations than even ECO can keep track of, from gigatonnes to dollars. Adaptation appears to be one of the victims of […]

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Clearing up the Clouds on Transparency and MRV

23 Oct 2015

Transparency is good, as it is clarity because it can help countries direct policy and allocate resources appropriately. The co-chairs’ non-paper includes MRV and accounting-related provisions throughout, highlighting the cross-cutting nature of this issue and its overall relevance to the deal. This is vital for success. To increase ambition, the Paris agreement should set the status […]

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