
Transparency Work Mode ON

16 May 2017

ECO believes that expeditious work is necessary to achieve a robust, common transparency framework with built-in flexibility that is inclusive and allows for continuous improvement. This framework needs to uphold environmental integrity and ensure double counting is avoided. This will only be possible by building constructive, practical linkages between different thematic areas. ECO commends Parties […]

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Indigenous Peoples Platform

16 May 2017

ECO welcomes the open multi-stakeholder dialogue which takes place today and tomorrow to consider how to operationalize the local communities and indigenous peoples” platform that was established by the Paris Agreement.   Indigenous peoples have vital contributions to make to climate change action. To ensure that these are shared, ECO encourages the local communities and […]

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Ludwig On NGO Participation

16 May 2017

Ludwig was encouraged last year when Parties reaffirmed the fundamental value of effective participation by observers and agreed to further enhance the engagement of observer organizations. However, yesterday Ludwig was surprised to learn that the Parties had decided to alter their previously transparent practices and conducted the discussions on inclusiveness and transparency behind closed doors. […]

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FD2018 – A Crucial Opportunity To Enhance Our Mitigation Ambition

16 May 2017

ECO believes that the Facilitative Dialogue in 2018 has three key aspects: First, it presents an opportunity for Parties to take another look at their NDCs in relation to what we want to achieve collectively. Many NDCs were crafted in a hurry and there may be some areas that were not apparent but are worth […]

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Don’t think twice (About the Adaptation Fund)!  

15 May 2017

One of the hottest topics ECO is covering this week is the Adaptation Fund, and how it will serve the Paris Agreement. Two things are happening right now.   First, SBI is having discussions about the third Review of the Fund. This review should be completed by November 2017, and aims to give an idea […]

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“In The Light of Equity”

15 May 2017

The importance of the Global Stocktake for enhancing the ambition of future climate action cannot be overstated. Since equity and ambition are two sides of the same coin, the Parties decided to conduct the Global Stocktake “in the light of equity.” It is important to review what “equity” in this context means. It is very […]

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Facilitative Dialogue 2018 – the next big opportunity!

13 May 2017

While the Moroccan and Fijian Presidencies undertake informal consultations on the Facilitative Dialogue 2018, and before hearing about Parties” expectations, ECO has some ideas about the direction of travel for FD2018. Actually it’s simple: Ambition Mechanism = Facilitative Dialogue 2018 + Second Periodic Science Review + Global Stocktake 2023 FD2018 is the next big moment […]

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Inflated, shiny figures versus new and additional, climate-specific support

13 May 2017

While the APA discussions on transparency of support had a bit of a difficult start, it’s good to see that the SBSTA negotiations on accounting modalities for the provision of climate finance have already entered the stage of detailed discussions.   There seems to be general agreement that better accounting of the climate-specific components of […]

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TEMs: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly

13 May 2017

ECO has long supported the Technical Expert Meetings (TEMs), even though discussions haven’t yet translated into accelerated action. TEMs provide a useful space to discuss real-life sectoral and technological climate solutions, and recently more opportunities have been given to observers to engage in the Q&As. However, this week’s events on “Cross-cutting issues in urban environments […]

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A Moment of Sanity in the United States

13 May 2017

The vote was bipartisan.  It was fast.  And it is the first time the Trump Administration has lost a major vote on anything in the U.S. Congress. As Canada prepares to announce its own methane rules, the vote sends an important signal: Americans are not ready to abandon their values. They’re in it for the long haul.   […]

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