Transparency Work Mode ON
16 May 2017
ECO believes that expeditious work is necessary to achieve a robust, common transparency framework with built-in flexibility that is inclusive and allows for continuous improvement. This framework needs to uphold environmental integrity and ensure double counting is avoided. This will only be possible by building constructive, practical linkages between different thematic areas. ECO commends Parties for working in an encouraging manner even when positions diverge. That being said, forward progress is needed without leaving anyone behind.
To address the cross-cutting nature of transparency, both a call for submissions and a second technical workshop are good ways forward to advance the issue..
The nature of the workshop should be technical, to provide participants with an opportunity to facilitate understanding of key issues and find a common landing zone on the interlinkages. This is crucial to ensure the robustness and coherence of the framework with other parts of the Paris Agreement. These areas include accounting of NDCs (art. 4.13), the mechanism and cooperative approaches (art. 6.4 and 6.2 respectively), adaptation communications and the AC registry (art. 7.10, 7.11 and 7.12 respectively), financial support (art. 9), technology transfer (art.10) and capacity building (art.11). ECO would like to remind Parties in the spirit of Paris that non-state actors are of value in this area and the proposed transparency workshops should be open to observers.
Submissions by Parties and representatives of constituency bodies could include views on how the current processes feed into the enhanced transparency framework. Processes of the multilateral assessments (MA) and the facilitative sharing of views (FSV) under the ICA, can be used as foundational learning space to build the enhanced transparency framework.
To reach the goal of adopting guidelines for an enhanced transparency framework by 2018, targeted work with integrity needs to take place. This will advance the Paris Agreement, keeping all, including the most vulnerable in a 1.5ºC world.