
Loss and Damage: The Missing Link or the Smoking Gun?

3 Dec 2018

Loss and damage is the smoking gun of climate change. When super heated wildfires leave whole regions in California a smouldering ruin, super charged hurricanes and cyclones decimate countries in the Caribbean and the Pacific, and when cities in Africa are left counting the days of their remaining water supply, there can be no doubt […]

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In Loving Memory of John Lanchberry

3 Dec 2018

When I went along to my first major COP When the list of new acronyms just didn’t stop When my brain was full to bursting, I was ready to drop John was there When secretly pregnant with my first child When NGO submissions still needed to be filed When I needed reassurance, comforting and mild […]

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Risky Business

9 Sep 2018

ECO is worried about all the risky business we’re seeing as this session comes to a close! And we’re not talking fun Tom Cruise- slipping-around-in-socks risky business €“ we’re talking “oh god my tuk- tukisheadingstraightforthatothertuk-tuk”riskybusiness.Whilesome delegates may subscribe to the high risk, high reward approach to staking out their negotiating positions, we’re not so enthusiastic […]

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A Just Transition for Climate Ambition

9 Sep 2018

In the run up to COP24 in the construction workers, farmers, is a guarantee for better policies Katowice there is a lot of talk about Just Transition. But what is it? Why is it good for the climate? Can you pronounce it without twisting your tongue? Just Transition is about providing better and decent jobs, social […]

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Stuck in the Middle with ICTU

9 Sep 2018

Well, you started out so strong with a lot, but now you’re wondering what it is you should do… NDCs are a central pillar to of the Paris Agreement and it is of the utmost importance that we get comprehensive guidance for NDCs on APA agenda item 3. Features to the left of me, accounting […]

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IPCC and Enhancing NDCs

9 Sep 2018

With two months between the adoption of the IPCC’s Special Report on 1.5°C in Korea and the COP in Poland, ECO has a couple of suggestions for Parties on how to best use this time, and beyond, to understand the implications and consequences of the report for the their domestic and international decision making. ECO […]

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Putting the Green Back in the Green Climate Fund

9 Sep 2018

The Green Climate Fund is running out of funds. At the rate the Board has been approving projects in recent meetings, they will have allocated all of its remaining money sometime next year. Recent governance snafus notwithstanding, the GCF has come a long way on the path to fulfilling the high expectations placed on it […]

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A Technology Framework Fit for Purpose

9 Sep 2018

ECO commends the technology talks under SBSTA for progressing in a spirit of cooperation and collaboration. What confuses ECO however, is that some negotiators also appear keen to remove all traces of the very same collaboration and cooperation from the draft text, and to keep the technology framework as narrowly defined as possible. To deliver […]

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Invitation: 70th Anniversary of the Adoption of the UN Declaration of Human Rights

9 Sep 2018

ECO presents its compliments to all delegates of Parties, representatives of the media and of observer organizations. The United Nations will commemoratethe 70th Anniversary of the adoption of the UN Declaration of Human Rights on the 10th December 2018. On this occasion and to celebrate the progress achieved by Parties, we wish to invite you […]

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All Promises: Time to Deliver on Addressing Loss and Damage

8 Sep 2018

Delegates, take a deep breath and think about the moment the gable sounded and the Paris Agreement was decided. The applause, the recognition, the enthusiasm for action! All those pats on the back! You lapped it up €“ you had worked hard! Well, the Paris agreement was about past work … and future promise. And […]

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