
Build on Kyoto’s Strengths

5 Oct 2009

The Kyoto Protocol is the first small step in industrialised countries taking the lead to fight climate change. While there have been some growing pains along the way and there is definitely room for improvement in some areas, the Kyoto Protocol forms a strong basis upon which to expand industrialised country commitments. ECO would like […]

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All Aboard?

5 Oct 2009

The industrialised countries are pushing forward a model for a Copenhagen agreement based firmly around carbon markets coupled with weak targets. By and large, developing countries are not boarding any train headed to weak targets. Ever stopped to wonder why? Industrialised countries talk about carbon markets and offset mechanisms in particular as if they are […]

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Not the Wakeup Call, the Final Call

3 Oct 2009

As Parties took stock of the snail paced progress achieved during the first week at the Conference Centre, residents of Metro Manila were taking stock of lost lives, dwellings and personal belongings that came about due to tropical storm Ondoy.  An unprecedented flood, drenching the region with a month’s worth of rain in 6 hours, […]

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Fair Deal = Just Transition

3 Oct 2009

Ambitious action is fundamental if we want to leave our children a sustainable world and a chance to achieve the social and development goals they deserve. The labour movement started calling some time ago for a “just transition.” This is a framework for ensuring social justice in the necessary transformation towards climate-resilient societies.  The idea […]

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Auctioning Off?

3 Oct 2009

It’s a familiar theme: developments within Annex I countries are worrying ECO. In the recent European Commission proposal, auctioning seems not to have made the grade.  This doesn’t instill confidence in European leaders whilst they make up their minds on a financial package at the end of this month.  Whilst Europe procrastinates, we see developing […]

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The Elephant in the Room

3 Oct 2009

Look carefully around you: there is an elephant walking the hallways in Bangkok (it’s not the local type). It’s an intangible but very sizable beast: 7.5 to 10 Gt CO2e worth of surplus assigned amount units (AAUs). It’s important to understand the scale of the AAU elephant – almost a third of current, best-case Annex […]

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Restoring EU Leadership

3 Oct 2009

Rewind 10 months to December 2008: in Poznan, negotiators prepare for another day of working group discussions. Meanwhile the rest of the continent is intently watching Brussels, where European leaders make the big political decisions on the EU’s 2020 climate package. Now fast-forward one year to December 2009: it’s mid-session in the climate talks in […]

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Comparability of Effort and Chances of Survival

3 Oct 2009

Parties should welcome the ratification of the Kyoto Protocol by the nations of Kazakhstan, Turkey and Zimbabwe. Their action affirms Kyoto’s continued value and demonstrates a commitment to sparing humanity from catastrophic climate change. A Copenhagen agreement that does not aim for a high probability of ensuring the survival and sustainable development of all nations, […]

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Time for a Course Correction

30 Sep 2009

The Bali Action Plan (BAP) provides a clear timetable and outline for negotiations aimed toward a fair and effective deal in Copenhagen. That outline differentiates between the mitigation commitments of developed countries and the MRV actions undertaken by developing countries. The BAP did not, however, provide space for the crucial overarching discussion on architecture. That […]

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Algeria Awarded Climate Action Network’s Fossil of the Day for Sept. 29

30 Sep 2009

First Place: Algeria Algeria suggested in the LCA Contact Group on Adaptation that response measures should be addressed under adaptation. We award Algeria the fossil of the day for blatantly not representing the interests of the African Group. African countries are vulnerable to climate change, not decreasing oil revenues. Cynical, Algeria, cynical! Second Place: Kuwait […]

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