Fair Deal = Just Transition
3 October 2009
Ambitious action is fundamental if we want to leave our children a sustainable world and a chance to achieve the social and development goals they deserve.
The labour movement started calling some time ago for a “just transition.” This is a framework for ensuring social justice in the necessary transformation towards climate-resilient societies. The idea is that transitioning to a low carbon economy is possible, and therefore climate action is a driver for sustainable economic growth and social progress. Mitigation and adaptation policies can be part of a broader strategy, shaping the societies of the future in a way that is socially fair and environmentally sustainable.
But for this to happen, a process of social consultation, green investment and social protection has to be put in place. The first steps are already being taken, as the concept is making its way through the UNFCCC process, and text calling for a just transition now appears in the Shared Vision.
The aim is to build the necessary consensus leading toward ambitious action, smoothing the shift towards a more sustainable society and providing hope for the capacity of a “green economy” to sustain decent jobs and livelihoods for all. The steps beyond that will engage concrete policies and programs to turn this shared vision into a reality that provides sustainability to people’s lives as well as nature itself.
[Article published in Climate Action Network’s Eco Newspaper, Oct. 3, 2009 from Bangkok, Thailand UNFCCC negotiations – full PDF version here]