
Photos from International Day of Climate Action

25 Oct 2009

Here are just a few photos from the October 24 day of action…more can be found at

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International Day of Climate Action rocks the world

25 Oct 2009

As‘s International Day of Climate Action winds down, photos are continuing to stream in to the website, showing massive numbers of actions in countries all over the world.  Photos range from a single woman standing in the Ishtar Gate in Iraq to a circle formed in front of the White House. The day […]

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350 Global Day of Climate Action on October 24th

23 Oct 2009

CAN member, in close collaboration with a large number of partners, has organized close to 5000 actions in over 180 countries around the world on Saturday, October 24th, calling for immediate and aggressive climate action.  It figures to be one of the largest global days of action of all time, on any issue, and […]

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Scared of Commitment?

9 Oct 2009

ECO is sure many delegates here have worked long into the night preparing an important paper for their political bosses. And we are sure many have also seen that same paper sit in in-trays for months without anyone doing anything about it. Well, imagine how you would feel if you are the IPCC facing a […]

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Dating and the Kyoto Process

9 Oct 2009

In her blog entry on Wednesday, young Negotiator Tracker from India, Leela Raina, specifies 10 reasons why dating a male from an Annex I country does not appeal to her. A closer read will find some uncanny resemblance between her decision and the ongoing climate negotiations. 1. He is not willing to commit Translation into […]

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EU Blocks Green Deal on Forests

9 Oct 2009

On Thursday, a new text on REDD left out vital wording on protecting natural forests in the section on principles – safeguards. A host of nations from Ecuador and Brazil to India and the Philippines asked for its reinstatement on the grounds that protecting natural forests is what REDD is meant to be all about. […]

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Saudi Back-to-Office Report

9 Oct 2009

After returning from these negotiations, every delegation will have to write a Back-to-Office (BTO) report for their superiors. As some may find this task time consuming, ECO has decided to fill in the BTO template for the Saudi Arabian delegation in particular. This we hope will give them more time to rethink their positions here […]

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Norway Adopts 40%

9 Oct 2009

Finally, a country has stepped up to adopt a target approaching the scale needed to avoid dangerous climate change. Congratulations Norway; your coalition Government’s target to reduce emissions by 40% below 1990 levels makes you the leader amongst Annex I countries. This announcement has made ECO very happy. To be honest, we have been getting […]

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Homework for Barcelona

9 Oct 2009

Many countries came to Bangkok with their homework done. Witness star pupil, Indonesia, which brought in strong commitments to cut its emissions well below business as usual. Other countries turned in their homework here in Bangkok. Norway, for example, committed to cutting its emissions 40% below 1990 levels as part of a global deal. However, […]

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European Union Awarded Fossil of the Day for Oct. 8th

9 Oct 2009

CAN International gave its Fossil of the Day award to the following country judged best at blocking progress over the past day of negotiations. First Place: The European Union The EU is awarded today’s first place fossil for blocking text that would safeguard against the conversion of natural forests to plantations in REDD. This occurred […]

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