

4 Jun 2010

Ludwig hears that an Annex I country that hasn't ratified the Kyoto Protocol has been complaining that they can't take part in a KP discussion on its target.  He reckons the solution to that is quite simple – the Protocol is still open for ratification.  All they have to do is sign on the dotted […]

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Planning Now for the Low Carbon Future

4 Jun 2010

Amidst the many vital matters being discussed in the LCA, there are two key ideas already enshrined in the current text — zero carbon action plans (ZCAPs) for all developed country parties, and low carbon action plans (LCAPs) for developing countries (except the most vulnerable countries). By agreeing to begin planning their pathways to complete […]

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EU Fast Start Finance Update

4 Jun 2010

At their side event yesterday, the EU presented a preliminary report on meeting its Copenhagen fast start finance pledge.  The European Commission and seven Member States announced, in response to a question, the following definitions of how their pledge is 'new and additional': * European Commission:  Money that was part of the EU budget margin, […]

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Advancing the New Delhi Work Programme

4 Jun 2010

With all the talk of finance gaps and gigatonne gaps, there has been much more progress in closing the climate-education-and-awareness gap.  Now there is an opportunity to go even further in the SBI. The New Delhi Work Programme adopted at COP 8 under Article 6 of the Convention comprises a promising set of commitments. The […]

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Fast Start Needed for 1,5 Review

4 Jun 2010

Earlier this week during a SBSTA contact group, a group of countries particularly vulnerable to climate change requested a workshop and technical report by Cancun on the costs and opportunities of mitigation to limit global temperature rise to below 1.5 o C. The report could draw on recent scientific studies in advance of forthcoming IPCC […]

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LCA Finance Comes Alive

3 Jun 2010

After a unexciting first couple of days, today out of the blue in the LCA contact group on finance, delegates picked up the pace. It was a pleasure to see negotiators giving thoughtful and creative responses to the Chair's questions and to each other's proposals. The Chair chose wisely in selecting finance, which underpins progress […]

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Shared Vision Must Be Clear Vision

3 Jun 2010

As parties walk into the LCA contact group on Shared Vision this morning, ECO will be thinking ahead to a final destination does not yet look clear. Nearly all Parties agree to a global goal of staying below 2o C, and even so, more than 100 parties call for stabilizing temperature rise at well below […]

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EU starts fast, but…

3 Jun 2010

ECO is eagerly awaiting today’s side event at which the EU will present its preliminary report on its fast start finance pledge. Not because the report itself will bring any new information to light — it was leaked to the press weeks ago — but to see EU negotiators try to answer the question on […]

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How Biodiversity Supports Climate Resilience

3 Jun 2010

This is the International Year of Biodiversity.  ‘So what’ ECO hears you say. ‘Nothing to do with us – we just deal with climate change.’ That would be wrong! Biological diversity supports ecosystems essential for human life, including climate regulation, water, food security and protection from natural disasters. Climate change is an increasing cause of […]

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The Vital Rol of Full Public Participation

2 Jun 2010

The irony is rich: interventions by two nongovernmental were mysteriously overlooked in the SBI yesterday.  The topic?  Public participation in the climate negotiations. Civil society participation plays a critical role in this process.  We can't say it better than the Secretariat itself in its guidelines.  Vibrant public participation "allows vital experience, expertise, information and perspectives […]

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