Planning Now for the Low Carbon Future
4 June 2010
Amidst the many vital matters being discussed in the LCA, there are two key ideas already enshrined in the current text — zero carbon action plans (ZCAPs) for all developed country parties, and low carbon action plans (LCAPs) for developing countries (except the most vulnerable countries). By agreeing to begin planning their pathways to complete decarbonization, developed countries can demonstrate that they have the policies and measures in place to meet their emission reduction commitments and the long term vision for decarbonizing their economies by 2050. LCAPs will provide developing countries the opportunity to plan for sustainable low-carbon development, showcasing their efforts and providing clarity on which actions are counted as domestic, carbon market and CDM respectively, to avoid double counting. An elaboration of proposed actions requiring support would also help to match these actions with funding, capacity building and technology from developed countries. And it should be strongly stated that without support from developed countries in the first place, low carbon planning will be impossible for developing countries. ECO applauds the Chair for including low and zero carbon development in the discussion text, and encourages delegates to show their support