

4 Dec 2010

SATURDAY, December 4 21:00 – 05:00 SEÑOR FROG’S Hotel Zone, Kukulcan km 9.5 City Buses along hotel zone 
(~ 8.5 pesos) City buses operational all night Open Bar Bracelet Option: 30-35 USD Dancing! Surprise Guests! Waterslide! Fun!  
All with UNFCCC Conference Badges are Welcome!

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Memo to Ministers

4 Dec 2010

Dear ministers, let ECO be among the first to welcome you to bright and friendly Cancun.  The warm sunlight, sandy beaches and glittering pools create pleasant ‘wish you were here’ scenes. We would certainly all enjoy some days by the pool or on the beach, sipping cold drinks and flipping through the pages of our […]

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Keys to the 2nd KP Commitment Period

4 Dec 2010

It shouldn’t be too hard for Annex I countries to show needed leadership by actually agreeing emission reduction commitments in line with the top end of the IPCC 25-40% range.  After all, many reputable studies show how to reach that achievable goal.  But on the evidence thus far, those countries aren’t ready to embrace ambition […]

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Loss & Damage

4 Dec 2010

Damage to ‘Mother Earth’ due to climate change is already happening.  Loss and damage, such as severe flooding, sea level rise, glacial retreat, ocean acidification and loss of biodiversity – these are effects that would not be happening in a world without substantial climate change.   The recent floods in Pakistan prove the point of […]

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The EU Roadmap: Planning for Success

4 Dec 2010

Over in snowy Brussels, the European Commission has set an agenda for 2011 in which the year 2050 looms large.  During the course of next year the Commission plans to publish a Roadmap towards a low carbon economy for the EU by 2050, including milestones for the structural and technological changes needed by 2030.  This […]

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The Elephant Gap

4 Dec 2010

Delegates, in case you haven’t noticed, there is an elephant roaming the halls of the Moon Palace, and it weighs something like 9 gigatonnes.   As reaffirmed by UNEP in its new Emissions Gap Report, the climate pledges made in Copenhagen fall far short of what is needed to limit global temperature rise to less […]

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4 Dec 2010

Climate Change is about survival as well as the right to development. Across Sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America, Asia, and the Caribbean, people are facing compounded loss of biodiversity, food insecurity, water shortages, extreme weather conditions, increase in sea level…just to mention a few examples. The coastal villages in Ghana, the communities living along the bank […]

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Lessons from Year 1 of Fast Start Finance

3 Dec 2010

It’s the end of the first year of the Fast Start Finance (FSF) learning period.  
Already it’s clear that vital lessons must be discerned and addressed in decisions here in Cancun on long-term finance. There are three key lessons, so please take note.   First, the balance between adaptation and mitigation must be defined.  Despite […]

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Fossil of the Day

2 Dec 2010

#1 – Saudi Arabia, Norway, 
Kuwait, Algeria, UAE, Egypt, Iraq, Qatar & Jordan For continuing to propose the inclusion of Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) in the CDM.   #2: Ukraine, Russia, 
New Zealand & Australia For blocking the discussion of solutions to the problem of surplus AAUs (hot air)

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[Voice] To define or not to define?

2 Dec 2010

The beginning of the UN climate negotiations in Cancun, COP16 began with very low expectations by the majority of states.  After the bursting of last year's bubble of COP15 in Copenhagen , states have entered this year with a sense of disappointment and an attempt to rebuild the trust that was lost. A common vision […]

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