
Time to Walk the Walk on Civil Society Engagement

9 Jun 2011

"We can't do this by ourselves"…“NGOs provide a valuable perspective and expertise"…"NGOs support is essential for the success of the UNFCCC process".  ECO was delighted to hear these statements and many concrete proposals echoing from the plenary hall Wednesday morning at the SBI workshop on NGO participation.  But now, ECO wonders…will they walk the walk?  […]

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Money – Now, New, and on the Table

9 Jun 2011

In Copenhagen and reaffirmed in Cancún, developed countries collectively pledged USD 30 billion in ‘fast-start’ finance from 2010-2012 to support developing countries’ mitigation and adaptation efforts, and helping to maintain Parties confidence in the process. Based on the fast-start finance reports submitted by developed countries, about USD 16.8 billion has been committed or allocated in […]

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Umbrella Series Part 1: Canada and the Case of the Missing Tar Sands Emissions…

9 Jun 2011

The tar sands are Canada’s fastest growing source of emissions.  While the country’s emissions in 2009 decreased overall, in large part due to the recession (as we know they ain’t doing nothing on the climate front), emissions from tar sands jumped a whopping 10-20%, and now account for 6.5% of Canada’s overall emissions. This means […]

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Bioenergy: The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly

9 Jun 2011

Renewable energy is playing a starring role in new energy policies, but ECO fears that bioenergy may be seen as ‘carbon neutral’ under false pretences. Many forms of bioenergy have a substantially unrecognised carbon footprint. Under existing IPCC guidance, GHG emissions from bioenergy are not accounted for in the energy sector. Rather, the guidance assumes […]

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Open Participation is not a Gadget

9 Jun 2011

Adaptation negotiators are busying themselves laying the groundwork to operationalize the Adaptation Committee in Durban. In designing the composition and modalities of the Committee, ECO reminds Parties of the importance of taking in the expertise of all relevant stakeholders, including civil society. The principles of the Cancún Adaptation Framework require that adaptation be undertaken in […]

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Lies and NZ Statistics

9 Jun 2011

Delegates will be fascinated to discover that New Zealand won’t release its forestry emission and removal projections to NZ NGOs so that it can “avoid prejudice to the substantial economic interests of NZ,” and “enable the Minister to carry on without prejudice, or disadvantage, negotiations.” This raises the question of what forestry projections has New […]

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Ludwig in Bonn

8 Jun 2011

Ludwig went to the presentation of the IPCC on their renewables report and learned that renewable energy can provide all our current and future energy needs. While listening to the presentations of these smart scientists he also learned that in order to optimally use what nature offers us, we need governments to develop the right […]

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Ray of the Day

8 Jun 2011

ECO is overjoyed to award the ray of the day to AOSIS for their spirit of constructive participation. They provided a concrete proposal to move the KP negotiations forward particularly in light of the decidedly uninspiring progress elsewhere. We would like to encourage other parties or groups to follow the example AOSIS has set in […]

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Progress on Adaptation Possible in Bonn

8 Jun 2011

Yesterday afternoon, around 40 people came along to take part in an event organised by partners of the Nairobi Work Programme for partners and Parties. Discussion on a series of topics – including using climate models for local adaptation planning, integrating adaptation into national planning, best practice for knowledge sharing mechanisms, the challenges in accessing […]

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This is Our Home Too!

8 Jun 2011

ECO would like to take you down memory lane for a moment and recall the monumental obstacles civil society observers faced in Copenhagen. Thousands were denied access despite being registered to attend the conference, while others were arbitrarily removed from the conference venue for actions taken by other members of their delegations.  There was no […]

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