
Little or Small is Beautiful!!!

14 Jun 2011

Pelenise Alofa President Kiribati Climate Action Network Kiribati A world without Pacific Islands?  Could we imagine or dream that we could live without the Pacific?  Could we afford such injustice?  The Pacific CAN and its national nodes, such as Kiribati, were borne out of this conscience to protect the rights of people of the Pacific […]

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The Jigger in the Flesh

14 Jun 2011

Isaac Kabongo Executive Director Ecological Christian Organisation (ECO) Uganda   Negotiations are not all about competition, but the survival of humanity. As a CAN Southern Capacity Building Program (SCBP) Fellow, I have been following the climate change negotiations in Bonn, Germany learning some amazing lessons and discovering frustrations in the process. It all started with […]

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Negotiating on Character: paving way to D

14 Jun 2011

Manjeet Dhakal Clean Energy Nepal Policy and Advocacy Officer/ Act. Program Director Nepal   Brazil's second largest city, Rio de Janeiro, witnessed the first ever gathering of environmental campaigners/caretakers and produced an international environmental treaty (UNFCCC) with an objective to stabilize greenhouse gas concentrations that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference in 1992. After one and […]

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We can do it and we must do it!

14 Jun 2011

Sandra Guzman Program Director Air and Energy Mexican Center of Environmental Law (CEMDA) Mexico I am attending the UNFCCC June Bonn session in Germany. I am one of the Southern Capacity Building Fellows of CAN-International. Last week we lost a lot of time discussing the agenda for this meeting, but we can´t continue with this […]

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Changing how the system works

14 Jun 2011

Wanun Permpibul Head, Energy and Climate Change Programme Renewable Energy Institute of Thailand Foundation Thailand   I have been doing research with the Sustainability Watch Thailand, a local think tank focusing on the promotion of alternative and renewable sources of energy, and enhancement of action research on community based vulnerability assessment and adaptation aiming at […]

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First Week Wrap Up

13 Jun 2011

ECO is pleased that parties finally managed to agree on agendas last week. (Imagine how much quicker it could have been if agenda discussions were held transparently in plenary, as opposed to shenanigans occurring behind closed doors). This week Parties must make up for lost time – and convince everyone that another intersessional would be […]

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Increasing Ambitions

13 Jun 2011

ECO is sure that negotiators noticed the irony when Australia noted that 104 developing countries have yet to submit NAMAs. If that was a plea for increasing ambition, then ECO couldn’t agree more. But, did it have to come from a country that is committed to a pathetic unconditional target that is nowhere near a […]

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NGO Participation in the COP17 Process

13 Jun 2011

ECO was particularly pleased to hear that NGOs were invited to actively participate in the informal consultations on expectations for Durban by the upcoming South African Presidency – especially since they have been mostly excluded from negotiating sessions here in Bonn. However, this pleasure soon turned into dismay when it became clear that NGOs would […]

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Oh Aarhus Wherefore Art Thou?

13 Jun 2011

Apparently, Parties didn’t get the message from ECO’s “CDM ‘Appeal’ for Justice” on Saturday. In an SBI informal, where Parties discussed the CDM appeals procedure, ECO is reliably informed that China pressed to shut stakeholders out of the discussions. ECO is now calling on Parties to stand strong and support our call for justice: project-affected […]

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No Nuclear for Mitigation

13 Jun 2011

Nuclear power has long been promoted as one of the tools to mitigate climate change. Japan has always been one of the biggest promoters of this theory and has not only tried to get nuclear power accepted in the CDM, but has also developed its own “bilateral crediting mechanism,” to include nuclear. ECO assumed that […]

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