
CAN-International Director says goodbye

15 Feb 2012

Dear friends, As you may recall, today marks my last day as Director of the CAN-International Secretariat. I said a lot in my announcement to CAN members at the end of last year about how much I've learned and grown in this position. If I could somehow express those sentiments even more strongly now I […]

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Where there is a will, there is a way…

9 Dec 2011

Sandra Guzman Program Director Air and Energy Mexican Center of Environmental Law (CEMDA) Mexico COP17 is supposed to advance the elaboration of a binding agreement to resolve the adverse impacts of climate change. Unfortunately after one week of negotiations here in Durban the future still looks bleak and full of uncertainties given the lack of […]

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Taking Leadership

7 Dec 2011

The legal options discussion has come up with at least one that ECO approves. Option 1 decides to develop a Protocol or other legally binding instrument under the Convention based on the Bali Action Plan and the Cancun Agreements, with negotiations starting in 2012 and in place by 2015. Excellent! However, the rumour is that […]

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LULUCF for Ministers

7 Dec 2011

Ministers, your attention is about to be rewarded.  This article aims to preserve your sanity. In the past, ministers have run out of closed rooms when asked to make decisions on LULUCF. When a minister once was asked how the LULUCF rules were progressing in Marrakesh he replied, “I have no idea. It is like […]

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I LOVE KP, full speed, no comma, and no full-stop!!!

7 Dec 2011

Pelenise Alofa President Kiribati Climate Action Network Kiribat What does it mean to be in love? Love is a four letter word that makes the world go round…makes people go crazy? I believe that love is a word that will conquer all because it breaks all barriers and does not discriminate.  I love KP (the […]

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MRV and the Virtues of Clarity

7 Dec 2011

As we look closely at the current state of the negotiations, the LCA text released over the weekend falls short of the advances we need on both clarification and accounting. Without more progress this week the environmental integrity of the regime will decay if not disappear altogether. Amidst all the talk of lack of ambition, […]

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Pledges v Loopholes

7 Dec 2011

Just in time for the arrival of ministers, we have removed the fuzziness from our loopholes chart. Current loopholes could easily negate all Annex 1 pledges and in the worst case leave plenty of left-overs to nibble on during a third commitment period. A couple key examples will suffice. According to UNEP, surplus AAUs from […]

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fossil of the Day – Wednesday 6 December

7 Dec 2011


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Fossil of the Day – Monday 5 December

6 Dec 2011


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African COP, African Perspectives

6 Dec 2011

To commemorate the opening of the High Level Segment of the “African COP” in Durban, ECO invited African NGOs to submit thematic articles on the often urgent challenges of climate change and the compelling opportunities for response.  Like the continent itself, the essays here are diverse, but unite on common ground: the readiness, given necessary […]

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