
Putting the Start Back in SBI

5 Jun 2013

  ECO is dismayed to have to write another article on the fact that the SBI has yet to begin its work. Boo! ECO would much rather fill its pages with all the ideas it has for the 2015 agreement or on closing the gigatonne gap (or at least some funny cartoons, fake recipes, or […]

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Viva México: ECO Welcomes Mexico’s 2050 Climate Change Vision; Now Global Funding Must be Made Available to Implement It

5 Jun 2013

  Mexico's 2050 Climate Change Vision report is a welcome step in its path to a low-carbon future. Mexico has included an emission reduction goal of 50% by 2050 compared to 2000 and 30% with respect to business as usual by 2020 in its Climate Change National Strategy. While Mexico has communicated it will do […]

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Their Share and a Bit More

5 Jun 2013

  In the midst of agenda controversies and lack of ambition, ECO would like to acknowledge that some countries are taking proactive actions, by bringing new ideas and commitments to the UNFCCC processes. ECO welcomes some of the contributions and actions by the Independent Alliance of Latin American Countries (AILAC) to develop a process to […]

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Fossil of the Day

5 Jun 2013

“Today's Fossil is awarded to Russia for blocking the start of the SBI through trying to alter the agenda. In Doha, Parties made progress on improving the environmental integrity of the Kyoto Protocol by getting rid of some of the hot air in the system. Yet, now Russia – who is not even a Party […]

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Go Deeper for Cheaper

5 Jun 2013

  CAN hopes Australia's independent Climate Change Authority (CCA) had a useful time in Bonn gathering perspectives from Parties, in particular on how Australia's actions may help or hinder the road to a 2015 global deal. With carbon pollution blasting through 400ppm and many nations preparing to ramp up their efforts, we guess you heard […]

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The Solution is Plane to See

5 Jun 2013

  A question to delegates: How will you ensure that the two fastest growing sectors in terms of emissions – international aviation and maritime transport – contribute their fair share to global efforts to reduce emissions? In Monday’s reports to SBSTA by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), the […]

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In Hot Pursuit of the SBI

4 Jun 2013

FCCC/CP/1996/2…*sigh*…is a document close to ECO’s heart! While there is no denying that clear rules of procedure – finally formally adopted and adhered to – would be an important development, ECO should be forgiven for doubting the sincerity of the sudden, but independent, interest of Russia, Belarus and the Ukraine in the matter.  ECO has […]

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Less Talk, More Money, More Action

4 Jun 2013

“A little less conversation, a little more action” needs to be the soundtrack of this year’s Long Term Finance (LTF) Work Programme. The Fast Start period is behind us, and we are already starting the period that we used to call “Long Term Finance”, which makes little sense when it refers to yesterday, today and […]

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Equity for All

4 Jun 2013

ECO hopes that the ADP discussions will focus on solving the equity puzzle. The world needs an effective, science-based, fair and ambitious climate agreement. Here is an attempt by ECO to demystify the climate puzzle we are facing. The fact that atmospheric CO2 concentrations recently reached the 400 ppm mark was an ominous reminder about […]

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How Much Climate Finance Will Developed Countries Provide in 2013 and Beyond?

4 Jun 2013

  Based on pledges/statements made in UNFCCC… Finland, France, Germany, Denmark, Norway, Sweden and the UK were first off the blocks in making financial pledges in Doha.  This was welcome. But the adequacy and the clarity of these pledges vary significantly and need to be pinned down. And then there’s the rest… No developed country […]

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