Viva México: ECO Welcomes Mexico’s 2050 Climate Change Vision; Now Global Funding Must be Made Available to Implement It
5 June 2013
Mexico's 2050 Climate Change Vision report is a welcome step in its path to a low-carbon future.
Mexico has included an emission reduction goal of 50% by 2050 compared to 2000 and 30% with respect to business as usual by 2020 in its Climate Change National Strategy. While Mexico has communicated it will do everything possible to meet these targets, according to both these documents and the General Climate Change Law, these targets are subject to the availability of international funding and support.
The measures detailed in the report include a massive deployment of public transport systems, stringent energy efficiency standards in the construction and industrial sectors and a rapid escalation of renewable energy as key elements for achieving a low-emissions economy.
Despite this, the best strategies will be waylaid if funding to implement them is not available. A substantial part of the measures included in Mexico's 2050 Vision Strategy are shown to have the potential for significant positive impacts on the Mexican economy, and are intended to be supported through their own funding. However, there are significant actions that would incur short- and medium-term financial burdens for the country and need support from a start in the operation of the Green Climate Fund.
The next step for Mexico should be to develop clear NAMAs on each of these additional measures, with the associated financing requirements. Mexico is presently developing such a program. Developed country Parties must ensure the financial mechanism of the UNFCCC has sufficient resources to support these measures.
There is real opportunity to demonstrate that support is available for leader countries such as Mexico to achieve what they have set themselves to achieve. Otherwise, our efforts to keep global warming below 2°C will be thwarted.