
EU Already at 27% below 1990 – Time for Merkel, Hollande and Cameron to Wake Up

12 Jun 2013

  ECO is amused by the blind belief in carbon markets the European Union maintains, while its own emission trading scheme has become a zombie. In the ADP, EU has argued that “new market mechanisms will deliver ambition”. Really? At home, Europe’s own emission trading is currently blocking ambition, and in fact encouraging a shift […]

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No Finance Chicken, No Mitigation and Adaptation Egg

12 Jun 2013

  Dear Delegates, ECO wants to share its famous recipe for a delicious and ambitious omelet. We hope it will inspire you in cooking your submissions about strategies and approaches. Bear in mind that it takes up to 82 days to cook. ECO is looking forward to the September 2nd Green Climate Fund Board meeting […]

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A Road Paved in Questions

12 Jun 2013

  As the road to the 2015 agreement is beginning to be paved brick by brick, ECO wants to help Parties by giving them a direction in which this road should be built. Parties will be making submissions around how to further develop and operationalise the ADP work program. Here are a few questions that […]

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SBI 38: Shouldn’t Give Up Even Though the Negotiations Get Rough!

12 Jun 2013

Henriette Imelda Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR) Attending SBI 38 session in Bonn Germany for about 2 weeks is not something that can be enjoyable when you have to sacrifice so many things back home. Travel one-way take around 18 hours consisting of flights, trains and ‘enjoying’ the traffic towards the airport back home. It […]

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Aviation Sector Emissions and Impacts on South Asia

12 Jun 2013

Vositha Wijenayake Outreach and Advocacy Coordinator CAN South Asia The emissions from aviation have become a key concern for most states currently, including those of South Asia as they contribute to around 2.0-2.5% of the current total annual global CO2 emissions. Emissions from aviation in developed countries (domestic and international) account for approximately 3.5% of […]

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11 Jun 2013

  *By compromise, ECO mean somewhere in between what is scientifically needed and what YOU tell us is currently feasible. The Conference of the Parties, Recalling Article 4, paragraphs 1, 3, 4 and 5 and 7 of the Convention, Reaffirming the unwavering commitment of parties to keep global average temperature increase well below 2 degrees […]

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ADP Workstream 2 Roundtable – Talking, Yes, but Walking the Walk?

11 Jun 2013

  Listening to the ongoing discussions in the ADP Workstream 2 on short term mitigation ambition, ECO suspects that some might not have read—or have forgotten—the size of the pre-2020 mitigation ambition gap. For all the rhetoric in the room, one might be convinced that nations have forgotten that they have the power to decide […]

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CAN Side Event: Equity Reference Framework: Enabler to a successful 2015 climate treaty

11 Jun 2013

  Less than 1000 days to the 2015 deadline. CAN is calling for a formal process to develop an Equity Reference Framework that embodies the Convention's core equity principles, and is designed to maximize ambition and participation. Such an Equity Reference Framework would give us, finally, a workable framework with which a successful 2015 treaty […]

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ECO’s suggestion to resolve the Russian SBI issue

11 Jun 2013

all Parties sign the following petition: Dear Russia, we promise not to gavel through an agreement without you being OK with it, because you are obviously more important than others, such as Bolivia, where in Cancun you gladly accepted an outcome without Bolivia being part of the consensus

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Waiting on Whispers

11 Jun 2013

  ECO heard that GRULAC met yesterday and has had constructive discussions on an important issue for 2014. While ECO congratulates the region on a constructive environment for discussions, there is a lot of whispering in the corridors about it. ECO hopes to hear officially and loudly what those whispers are ASAP so we can […]

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