
Is this the Japan of today or yesterday?

11 Mar 2014

Today marks the third anniversary of the Fukushima nuclear accident in eastern Japan. Our hearts are with those who suffered and are still suffering from this tragic event. ECO has no doubt that producing a new energy and climate vision is a hard ask. Yet, as we watched the Japanese government struggle with this task, […]

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Renewable energy, let’s do better

11 Mar 2014

ECO spent yesterday, excitedly, following the renewable energy (RE) workshop. There’s a lot of activity in different countries and a global recognition about RE’s current and future potential.  Presentations from various experts made it clear that this potential is not being fully utilised though. We can double the realisation of RE globally by 2030, as […]

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The race to Lima is on

11 Mar 2014

The sun is shining, the starting pistol has gone off, and the race for a draft negotiating text by Lima is on. As the Parties race towards the finish line, they’ll have to navigate the racecourse (otherwise known as the Convention) and the three key hurdles that they all face: contributions, contact groups and elements. […]

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Let’s imagine a better future for all

10 Mar 2014

ECO often wonders how negotiators explain how they spend their time in Bonn. Do they go home and talk about the shopping in Bad Godesberg, the exquisite combination of German bratwurst and Pilsner, or how they ingeniously prevented agreement on binding commitments and successfully deflected pressure on their country to take action and prevent a […]

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ECO’s 1-2-3 for Parties at this ADP

10 Mar 2014

Has the extreme winter weather that’s gripped North America, the devastating flooding in the UK or the [insert your own top-of-mind climate-related disaster here] made a case for more ambitious action with you and your Party yet? If not, the release of Working Group II’s 5th assessment report on climate impacts at the end of […]

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Cheers to the Technology Executive Committee!

10 Mar 2014

ECO has noticed with great appreciation that the Technology Executive Committee (TEC) is continuing to move towards greater transparency. Ever since its inception 2 years ago, the TEC has laid the foundation for transparency with their adoption of webcasting and inclusion of observers in thematic dialogues. In the meeting that just ended last week, the […]

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Side Event Report: Risks and opportunities of different scenarios for integrating climate change into post-2015

17 Jan 2014

Side Event Report: Risks and opportunities of different scenarios for integrating climate change into post-2015   Hosted by: CAFOD, CAN International, Beyond2015, UN Millennium Campaign 9 January, 2014   French Development Minister—lead UNFCCC negotiator, Pascal Canfin ·      Top priority of the French now because hosting COP21 in Paris in 2015 ·      Want […]

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Event Invitation: Thinking outside the silos – different scenarios of integrating climate change into post-2015

22 Dec 2013

Thinking outside the silos: different scenarios of integrating climate change into post-2015 Date: 9 January 2014 Time: 1.15-2.30 pm Location: Conference Room E, UN HQ, New York This side event during the 7th session of the Open Working Group on SDGs will investigate different options of integrating climate change into the post-2015 framework. Climate change is an existential threat […]

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Increase your AMBITION, not your EMISSION

17 Dec 2013

Henriette Imelda Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR) As COP 19 ended, I have to admit that it does not deliver the things that I would expect it to. Some say I probably have more expectations than the others. I have so much faith on the ADP track, as since it was first launched in Durban, […]

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Like being in a bandit’s nest!

17 Dec 2013

Ange David Baimey  Jeunes Volontaires pour l'Environnement Cote d'Ivoire One wouldn’t be able to deny it anymore, common sense in the international climate negotiations is like kindness in a bandit’s nest. Or how else is it possible to understand that, at a time when Somalia suffered from extreme events and when the Philippines continued to […]

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