
Closing the gigatonne gap in Workstream 2

12 Jun 2014

Further and greater emissions reductions between now and up until 2020 are needed if we want to keep the possibility of limiting global warming to below 1.5°C. That’s why ECO is looking forward to the discussions in Workstream 2, and on renewable energies (RE) and energy efficiency (EE) today. In order to achieve a 100% […]

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Saudi: “We are the 1%!”

12 Jun 2014

ECO thinks that we might have witnessed the potential beginnings of a copyright infringement dispute yesterday in the ADP when Saudi Arabia appeared to be freely utilising the current Canadian government’s talking points on climate change. The Saudi delegate insisted that being responsible for only 1% of global emissions is an excuse for inaction on […]

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Assessing the Assessment-Phase Discussion

12 Jun 2014

We all agree that we need an ambitious agreement in Paris that can avert the worst of climate change. But how will we know that we’ve got an ambitious agreement when we march through the Arc de Triomphe with the final text in hand? How will we know that the INDCs put forward by Parties […]

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An open letter to China’s Chief Speech Writer

12 Jun 2014

Dear Chief Speech Writer, Being a speech writer for one of the busiest people on earth is stressful, isn’t it? Don’t worry, ECO is here to help with some advice that you may want to consider in your draft speech for the Chinese leader in the upcoming Climate Summit. ECO recommends having “coal” as the […]

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Missing: Substance on the 2013-15 Review

12 Jun 2014

Up until now, the Joint Contact Group (JCG) on the 2013-2015 review has done an excellent job in its Structured Expert Dialogue (SED) in absorbing new and relevant scientific intelligence from the IPCC's Fifth Assessment Report. When it comes to drawing any conclusions from all of the science though, the JCG is still only discussing […]

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Missing: Substance on the 2013-15 Review

12 Jun 2014

Up until now, the Joint Contact Group (JCG) on the 2013-2015 review has done an excellent job in its Structured Expert Dialogue (SED) in absorbing new and relevant scientific intelligence from the IPCC's Fifth Assessment Report. When it comes to drawing any conclusions from all of the science though, the JCG is still only discussing […]

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Taking Stock: Over 60 countries in favour of phasing out emissions!

12 Jun 2014

Today, the ADP will meet to take stock of the progress made so far. When this session started, ECO announced its vision: in Paris countries have to commit to phasing out fossil fuel emissions and phasing in a 100% renewable energy future for all by mid-century.  In addition to really ambitious mitigation and financial commitments […]

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Australia moving backwards with a Fossil

11 Jun 2014

Australia is the lucky recipient of the first Fossil of the Day award here in Bonn in recognition of Prime Minister Tony Abbott's stupendously brazen denial of the catastrophic risks posed by climate change. And to commend him in his recent efforts to form a gang of of "like minded" countries opposed to climate change […]

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Cities doing it for themselves

11 Jun 2014

ECO was excited by yesterday’s Cities forum where great ideas, such as a plan to phase out of emissions by 2055 from the global building sector, were discussed. Amazing! A number of cities also have plans to go carbon neutral by 2030. Incredible! With this level of ambition, it’s no wonder Parties want to include […]

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Slowly, slowly, catchee monkey: ADP mid-session stocktake

11 Jun 2014

With one week to go in the June 2014 session, it’s time to see where we stand on some of the key issues. Here is ECO’s take. Adaptation There was rich discussion on how adaptation should be addressed in the Paris agreement, but no sense on what that a goal would look like or how […]

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