
Assessing the assessment phase discussion: part II

14 Jun 2014

ECO thinks that the ADP has a pretty simple job in designing the next phases of the INDCs process. After completing the information requirements, we simply need an  INDCs assessment phase, as pointed out by AILAC and Palau. The first step of the assessment phase is – you guessed it- all parties submitting INDCs by […]

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Adaptation Fund overlooked because there’s a new kid in town?

14 Jun 2014

While we all breathlessly wait for big money to hit the GCF (US$15 billion in pledges is expected by the end of this year), ECO would like to remind everyone that there are other funds in dire need of money too. One of them, the Adaptation Fund, which has projects ready to be implemented in […]

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Clarity for loss and damage!

14 Jun 2014

ECO has been sitting on the edge of its chair waiting to find out how the work of the Warsaw Loss and Damage Mechanism has progressed since the first meeting of its ExCom at the end of March. Disappointingly, the much anticipated ExCom presentation left ECO puzzled: precious few insights were presented on the content […]

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From Bonn to New York

14 Jun 2014

As we wrap up in Bonn, New York is preparing to host an equally important process, the penultimate session of the Open Working Group (OWG) on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). ECO’s done its homework and can tell you that the linkage between climate change, poverty eradication and sustainable development makes it clear that the […]

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EU’s Kyoto ratification and Poland – the sequel

14 Jun 2014

Dear Reader, do you remember when ECO wrote, a few nights ago, about Poland being a total bully, again, and trying to use the EU’s KP ratification as a bargaining chip for the upcoming 2030 discussions in the EU? Here comes the sequel: yep, you heard it right — this is what is happening. Two […]

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After an ‘own goal’ on consultation, Brazil is back in the lead

14 Jun 2014

Yesterday, ECO reported that Brazil had failed to consult with Brazilian civil society before submitting its Reference Levels to the UNFCCC, and that it had not yet made the submission public. Today, we are pleased to report that the submission has been published on the Brazilian government website, apparently while yesterday’s article was in press. […]

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Thank you

14 Jun 2014

A heartening moment occurred yesterday before an informal conversation on the coordination of support for REDD+. Many Parties, literally, stood side by side with NGOs and refused to enter the meeting room until the NGOs were also allowed in – which they eventually were. ECO thanks the Parties involved and hopes that this sort of Party-driven support […]

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Renewables save money, lives and jobs

14 Jun 2014

ECO is excited about the many voices in favour of a future powered by renewable energy. On Thursday, it was UNEP’s turn to explore the role of renewables and energy efficiency (RE & EE) in achieving Sustainable Energy for All. Their side event presented, among other things, findings from the International Renewable Energy Agency’s (IRENA) […]

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Renewables save money, lives and jobs

14 Jun 2014

ECO is excited about the many voices in favour of a future powered by renewable energy. On Thursday, it was UNEP’s turn to explore the role of renewables and energy efficiency (RE & EE) in achieving Sustainable Energy for All. Their side event presented, among other things, findings from the International Renewable Energy Agency’s (IRENA) […]

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Thank you

14 Jun 2014

A heartening moment occurred yesterday before an informal conversation on the coordination of support for REDD+. Many Parties, literally, stood side by side with NGOs and refused to enter the meeting room until the NGOs were also allowed in – which they eventually were. ECO thanks the Parties involved and hopes that this sort of Party-driven support […]

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