From Bonn to New York
14 June 2014
As we wrap up in Bonn, New York is preparing to host an equally important process, the penultimate session of the Open Working Group (OWG) on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
ECO’s done its homework and can tell you that the linkage between climate change, poverty eradication and sustainable development makes it clear that the post-2015 sustainable development framework will fail if climate change is not adequately addressed within it.
In an open letter, more than 170 civil society organisations and networks, from over 50 developed and developing countries, have called for the “framework to address climate change in a manner that recognises the urgency and importance of dealing with the most fundamental challenge of our time”.
They call for a separate, stand-alone climate change goal, and for climate elements to be included in other relevant goals: “A robust framework of this nature will help to support the scale of ambition needed to achieve the UNFCCC’s aims and help to ensure the delivery of a strong climate deal at COP21 in Paris in 2015”.
ECO expects negotiators in New York to take note: strong and ambitious climate goals need to be part of the SDGs.