
Questions on IPCC issues

2 Dec 2014

i) How can we try and ensure that global CO2-emissions go to zero to ensure that average temperatures do not rise beyond 1.5°C? ii) What can the IPCC say on the past and future cost trends of CCS and renewables? Based on existing level of technological maturity, will CCS ever be a viable option for […]

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SIDE EVENT INVITATION Tuesday, 2 December 2014 – 13:15-14:45. Room: Paracas

2 Dec 2014

The importance of equity in the 2015 agreement has broad support, but what an equitable agreement applicable to all actually means is both an unclear and controversial issue. Disagreement exists on the operationalisation and scope of equity, and on approaches for assessment of the INDCs. To break the deadlock in the negotiations, CAN has made […]

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Missing Money for Green Climate Fund earns first Fossil

2 Dec 2014

The first Fossil of the Day at COP20 goes to Australia, Belgium, Ireland and Austria (alongside the other non-pledgers: Iceland, Greece, Portugal, and the European Union) for being the only Annex 2 countries failing so far to contribute to the GCF. After a string of encouraging initial contributions, it seems this band of Annex 2 […]

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It’s All On Our Shoulders Now

1 Dec 2014

We are very happy to be in Lima, and ECO is ready to get right to it. COP20 needs to deliver on enough confidence building measures to ensure climate action and a successful outcome from next year’s COP in Paris. The wheels have already started turning: -The Peruvian COP presidency has shown commitment and substantial […]

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#Fast for the Climate Today

1 Dec 2014

At the Vigil for the Climate outside the Pentagonito, Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of the UNFCCC, and Manuel Pulgar-Vidal, the Peruvian Minister for the Environment and incoming COP president. The lighting of candles begins the celebration of the first year of monthly fasting by faith and environmental groups around the world in the Fast for […]

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Fossil Fuel Subsidies: 
Nowhere to Run, Nowhere to Hide

1 Dec 2014

Let’s start off this COP with a bit of a reality check on the progress (or lack thereof) on phasing out dirty fossil fuels – particularly in developed countries. Scientists have shown that we currently have many times more fossil fuels in existing reserves than our global carbon budget can withstand in a 2 oC […]

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South African civil society calls on government to boost national climate action

11 Nov 2014

South African civil society organisations have released a statement to their government calling for less talk and more national action to tackle climate change and boost the clean energy transition. These organisations collectively emphasise that human rights, like access to sufficient food and water, are directly threatened by climate change. They urge the South African government to protect these […]

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To negotiations and beyond

25 Oct 2014

ECO has become increasingly concerned about the slow progress towards negotiations based on draft text for the elements of the 2015 agreement. The Co-Chairs’ approach to this task reminds ECO a bit of the movie “Groundhog Day”, where the main character relives the same day over and over again. Sure, the workshop approach has yielded […]

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The end of king coal?

25 Oct 2014

As delegates prepare to leave these halls, many may be feeling that there’s only been a lot of talk. ECO turns its eyes back to the real world—and sees actions that offer a glimmer of hope. China’s “war against pollution” may be one of those, with Chinese President Xi urging an“Energy Revolution”. It’s signs that […]

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Take-aways on finance

25 Oct 2014

ECO would not want negotiators to leave Bonn with the feeling that no progress was made on finance–which is what will enable the implementation of any fair and ambitious agreement reached in Paris. The good news first: ECO senses convergence on the view that future finance arrangements should build on the existing architecture. This includes […]

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