Questions on IPCC issues
2 December 2014
i) How can we try and ensure that global CO2-emissions go to zero to ensure that average temperatures do not rise beyond 1.5°C?
ii) What can the IPCC say on the past and future cost trends of CCS and renewables? Based on existing level of technological maturity, will CCS ever be a viable option for achieving global zero emissions of GHGs?
iii) What are the findings of the IPCC on the co-benefits (e.g. public health, economic benefits due to lower fuel prices) of low or zero carbon scenarios? How can one ensure that co-benefits are recognised and pursued?
iv) What can the IPCC tell us on the feasibility of effective adaptation for different scenarios / temperature regimes and on limits to adaptation? How safe is a warming of 2°C for ocean ecosystems, for biodiversity, and far would it endanger the provision of livelihoods for people, especially the poor?
Questions on intelligence from other organisations (e.g. IEA, UNEP)
a) How best can we ensure that a fossil fuel locked in future is avoided?
b) How are the trends in prices for renewables (e.g. PV or wind) since the IPCC cut-off date? How can the achievement of renewable energy cost parity be accelerated?
c) Which feasible options exist to eliminate the Gigaton-gap and which role a Paris decision next year could play to reduce the gap?