
The TEMPpting world of renewable energy supply

3 Jun 2015

ECO ♥ <3s Workstream 2 and has been looking forward to the next TEM since the last one when Parties united behind the slogan “more, faster, now!” Today, it’s finally time to gather some of our brightest minds to talk about renewable energy supply: how to unlock potential and leverage scalable, replicable and transformative support […]

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Developed Countries: Take the lead on closing the gap

3 Jun 2015

While ECO enjoys the TEMs, let’s not forget that the technical examination process is only one part of Workstream 2 and the crucial work of raising pre-2020 mitigation ambition. Developed countries, you have a particular responsibility for closing the gap. After all, the convention clearly asks you to “take the lead”. Here is how you […]

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An Open Letter

2 Jun 2015

Dear Negotiators… The Long Term Goal (LTG) has been getting a lot of splash in the past month, with the business community, investors, and others sending a strong signal that the LTG is a key element for the Paris agreement. ECO couldn’t agree more.  The problem is that there are so many formulations to the […]

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Clarifying INDCs

2 Jun 2015

Today will see Switzerland, the EU and Norway take the stage: we salute you for being the first ones to submit your INDCs, and for having the guts to step up to this Q&A session. Switzerland Switzerland was the first country to submit an INDC. It plans to reduce emissions by 50% from 1990 levels […]

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Sifting Through the Clutter on Finance

2 Jun 2015

ECO imagines that negotiators have spent the night looking for gems in the Geneva text’s finance section in order to prepare smart interventions for today’s informals. This will not have been in vain. The text contains everything needed to build a robust framework for the provision of financial support in the Paris agreement. All countries […]

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Going the Distance: Action Needed from IMO and ICAO

2 Jun 2015

International shipping and aviation generates approximately 5% of global CO2 emissions. Massive growth rates in carbon pollution are anticipated for both sectors (50-250% for shipping and 270% for aviation by 2050). Without strong mitigation action in these sectors, we may lose any chance of staying below the 2°C goal. Whilst almost all other sectors and […]

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All Together Now: Pink, Yellow, and Blue

2 Jun 2015

ECO thanks Parties for recognising how important keeping facilitated sessions under the ADP open to observers is. We smiled when Malaysia, Saudi Arabia and Nicaragua all took to the floor in support of a transparent process with no objections from any Party. The rooms may not have enough seats and the non-pink-badge lines are long, […]

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Talks underway as civil society demands transition away from fossil fuels to achieve sustainable food system

2 Jun 2015

NGOs and social movements have gathered in Milan at the Expo dei Popoli Forum on Food Sovereignty to discuss the need for governments and the agricultural sector to raise their ambition to tackle agricultural emissions, phase out fossil fuels, and switch to 100% renewable energy in order to protect food sovereignty and livelihoods around the […]

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Ratcheting Up Mechanism

1 Jun 2015

Paris should not lock in, unacceptably and dangerously, low ambition on mitigation and finance. Periodic upward revision of ambition based on changing circumstances should be built into the text to help close the pre–2020 emissions gap. The mechanism of ratcheting up would thus help reduce the risk of locking in irreversible emission trajectories. This mechanism […]

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1 Jun 2015

‘Applicability to all’ has been agreed as a key feature of the Paris agreement, meaning every country needs to step up and play its part on climate action. The issue of responsibility still needs to be addressed, however, and governments need to allow time for healthy debate on this topic in Bonn. It is clear […]

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