
The Magic of the ECO Newsletter

9 Jun 2015

Adrian Yeo tells us why ECO has magical properties…    A day in UNFCCC sessions will not be complete without flipping through a copy of CAN’s ECO Daily Newsletter. For negotiators, the magic of ECO usually begins while they are still having breakfast. Readers get a quirky, insightful perspective into the previous day’s negotiations and more. But […]

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G7: The times are changing

9 Jun 2015

There’s a lot of G7 analysis out there, but you read it here first: the end of fossil fuels is on the global agenda. To stand a chance of limiting global warming to 1.5°C or 2°C, we need to get off fossil fuels, rapidly and completely. Increasingly, this reality is being understood by governments and […]

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G7: The numbers don’t add up

9 Jun 2015

At the conclusion of the G7, leaders of the world’s richest countries said they “will continue our efforts to provide and mobilise increased finance, from public and private sources, and to demonstrate that we and others are well on our way to meet the US$100 billion goal”. “Continuing efforts to provide and mobilise increased finance” […]

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No see! No hear! No say?

9 Jun 2015

Yesterday’s Joint Contact Group (JCG) on the 2013-2015 review was like reliving a bad dream. Saudi Arabia used procedural arguments to prevent progress towards the drafting of a COP decision building on the robust climate science contained in the Structured Expert Dialogue (SED). That’s backsliding to the dark ages of the 1990, Saudi Arabia! It […]

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Reminder to self: things to keep in mind when setting a path toward a safer world

8 Jun 2015

We are entering the last week of negotiations for this session, and everyone has a lot on their plates. But on the mitigation front, assistance is at hand for you, dear delegates, to help you capture all the right elements. So grab a piece of paper, a napkin or open up the notes function on […]

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Adaptation: A Merry-Go-Round of Information and Action

8 Jun 2015

ECO is thrilled that many countries are calling for more attention to adaptation and its political parity with mitigation. With climate impacts already causing human suffering, and with even more severe threats in the horizon, this is essential. As countries invest more in adaptation planning (using tools like National Adaptation Plans), some are choosing to […]

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Will Parties Deny the Science?

8 Jun 2015

In Cancun, when Parties agreed to periodically review mitigation ambition on the basis of climate science, ECO welcomed this opportunity to ground the climate negotiations in science. During the past two years, experts provided valuable information and addressed Parties’ lingering questions on recent scientific findings. These discussions resulted in several key messages of particular relevance […]

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Debunking the aviation target

8 Jun 2015

The aviation industry is still trying to pass itself off as a climate leader with its target of “carbon neutral growth”from 2020 onwards. But ECO wants to pull back the curtain on this tricky target. In fact, the industry is proposing to allow emissions to grow freely until 2020 and from 2020 onwards. This will […]

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Drilling for innovative finance: carbon prices that mean more than false solutions

8 Jun 2015

Dear big fossil fuel companies, We hear that some of you have had an epiphany and have written to governments and the UN, calling for a strong carbon price. Well, it’s your lucky day! All the way from the UNFCCC to your board rooms, there is a proposal that will no doubt prick up your […]

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Let’s talk frameworks

8 Jun 2015

Tomorrow will bring another round of discussions about the Framework for Various Approaches. ‘Round’ being the operative word, as things seem to have been going around (and ‘round) in circles. Some countries are keen (maybe too keen?) to engage, while others are not willing to talk at all—at least until the ADP discussions conclude. Parties […]

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