
CAN Letter: Civil Society Recommendation on criteria for selection of UNFCCC Executive Secretary, April 2016

29 Apr 2016

CAN Briefing Paper: Recommendations to the Informal Dialogue_April 2016

10 Apr 2016

CAN Letter: Input to the work on pre-2020 climate action in 2016, April 2016

5 Apr 2016

CAN Submission: Input to WIM Executive Committee, Financial Instruments to address Loss and Damage, March 2016

14 Mar 2016

CAN Letter: Participation of civil society in SBSTA Agriculture Workshop, March 2016

11 Mar 2016

CAN Submission: Input to SCF Forum on Financial Instruments for Loss and Damage, February 2016

3 Mar 2016

CAN Letter: IPCC Special Report on the impacts of global warming of 1.5ºC, February 2016

20 Feb 2016

CAN Position: Intermediate Review of the Doha Work Programme on Article 6, Febuary 2016

10 Feb 2016

Annual Report 2015

14 Jan 2016

CAN Closing Intervention, COP 21, December 2015

12 Dec 2015

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