CAN Closing Intervention, COP 21, December 2015

Thank you Mr. President,               
I am Amit Kumar, speaking on behalf of Climate Action Network.   

CAN recognizes this significant moment as a stepping-stone towards current and future national implementation of climate action. 

The foundation of an effective global response to climate change has been laid through this Agreement, with a strong vision of 1.5 degrees.

But with climate impacts already hitting home, current INDCs remain dangerously inadequate for staying below this limit.      

Parties must return home from Paris to improve their pledges together in 2018 so that all have ambitious targets for 2025 — and then every 5 years thereafter. Developed countries must not shirk their commitments but must increase their financial support substantially to help developing countries cope with climate impacts and realize their mitigation potential as articulated in their INDCs.        

As part of a strong and diverse climate movement, Climate Action Network stands ready to advocate for scaling up action back home. We will ensure that the words in this agreement are operationalized and implemented. We will hold governments accountable, and continue to fight for climate justice.   

Thank you.


Download file: http://can_final_intervention_cop_21.pdf

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