Press releases

Abe Government set to waste lives, money and jobs with poor climate plan

8 Jun 2015

Monday June 8, 2015 – Elmau, Germany: New analysis released at the G7 summit currently taking place in Germany confirms that major economies stand to gain massive benefits as the result of their latest climate action pledges, with laggards Japan and Canada bucking the trend due to their weak plans. The NewClimate Institute report released […]

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What the G7 means for the UN climate talks in Bonn – Webcast Media Briefing

7 Jun 2015

Monday June 8 – Bonn, Germany: Expert observers at the UN climate negotiations currently underway in Bonn will outline what the G7 outcome due Monday lunchtime will mean for the talks as they enter the second week. After slow progress during the first week, the co-chairs of the negotiations aiming to draft a new agreement on climate […]

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G7 leaders have a chance to create climate of confidence on energy transition: NGOS to leaders

5 Jun 2015

Friday June 5 – Elmau, Germany: On the eve of the G7 Summit in Elmau, Germany, NGOs from all seven member countries call on their leaders to send a strong signal that the era of fossil fuels is over. As the world's largest industrialised countries, the G7 have a global responsibility to go further and faster to […]

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Australian climate policy: lies, damned lies and statistics

4 Jun 2015

Bonn, Germany – June 4, 2015: The Australian Government has serious questions to answer on its climate policies and ambition ahead of Paris as well as their role in pushing ahead to open up vast coal reserves, which will blow the global carbon budget. They are still yet to formally put forward their INDC. Today (Thursday […]

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Japan on notice, picking up extraordinary Fossil of the Day Award as glacial progress made at Bonn Climate Change Conference

4 Jun 2015

Bonn, Germany – June 4, 2015 – At the Bonn Climate Conference today where countries are pushing forward a new global agreement due to be signed in Paris this December, Climate Action Network (CAN) members took stock of the progress negotiators have made over the past three days and identified the key tasks that lie ahead. Meanwhile, […]

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News Release: UN climate talks in Bonn open as call for more climate action grows

1 Jun 2015

Bonn, Germany – June 1, 2015 – Today marks the start of the Bonn Climate Conference, where countries gather under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change to continue negotiations towards the Paris agreement due to be signed this December. In the opening Climate Action Network press briefing, members of the world’s largest network of […]

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Webcast Media Briefing: UN climate talks open in Bonn

1 Jun 2015

Bonn, Germany – Monday, June 1, 2015: With the UN climate negotiations getting underway in Bonn today, Climate Action Network experts will brief reporters on what to expect during the two weeks of talks. Negotiators will aim to refine the draft text of what is expected to be the first universal climate agreement – set to be signed in Paris […]

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International Media Briefing: Half way on the Road to Paris – where are we and where do we need to be

19 May 2015

We are now almost half way through 2015, and climate change politics is heating up.  Ministers and Heads of State are meeting in various fora – from the G7 to the Petersberg Dialogue – to discuss the shape of the Paris agreement, countries are putting forward their national plans outlining how they'll move their economies away from fossil fuels, and people from all walks […]

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Petersberg Dialogue reaffirms goal to phase out fossil fuel emissions, all eyes now on Merkel at the G7

19 May 2015

Environment ministers from 35 countries met together with German Chancellor Angel Merkel and French President François Hollande as part of the Petersberg Climate Dialogue in Berlin today. The politicians discussed key points of the new, universal global climate agreement to be signed later this year in Paris.    Today's meeting part of a series of high […]

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Letter to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe – CAN responds to Japan’s draft INDC

30 Apr 2015

CAN's 900 members wrote to Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe today, urging him to scale up his country's draft intended nationally determined contribution towards the Paris agreement.  See attached and below.   —– Dear Mr. Shinzo Abe, On behalf of CAN, the largest network of NGOs working to keep the climate safe, I am writing to […]

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