Press releases

Climate Action Network demands justice for murdered activist

4 Mar 2016

Friday 4 March, 2016 Dear Minister Ayala Alvarenga, Climate Action Network (CAN), a community of over 1,000 NGOs in more than 110 countries fighting for action to tackle climate change, expresses sadness, regret and condemnation at the brutal murder of Berta Cáceres that took place in her home on Thursday 3 March. As the world’s […]

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Civil society responds as final Paris Climate Agreement released

12 Dec 2015

The shape of the Paris Climate Agreement has emerged after the final text was tabled by the French Presidency today. The text released today is likely to be accepted at plenary by all countries without any major changes. Members of the Climate Action Network today assess how far the Paris outcome will go to speed […]

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Civil society urges ministers to up their game in final push for strong climate deal

9 Dec 2015

  A new streamlined draft agreement for a comprehensive climate deal has been released in Paris, with the French presidency urging for the finalisation of the deal by tomorrow. Members of the Climate Action Network (CAN) have called on countries to choose the strongest possible options in the final hours of the Paris Climate Summit […]

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With ambition in jeopardy, ministers need to step up in Paris

8 Dec 2015

After the first official day of high-level ministerial discussions, the French presidency and many ministers praised the progress and collaborative attitude. However, it is up to ministers to deliver on leaders' statements by laying aside political posturing and working to create an ambitious deal, one that lays out a roadmap to quickly get a climate that is livable for everyone.  […]

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In ministerial negotiations, search is on for ambition and finance

7 Dec 2015

Ministers arrived at the Paris climate talks and are getting down to business in high-level negotiation sessions. They face a distinct choice between a deal that that can keep climate change in check and one that would see climate chaos.  The draft text still contains a host of options through which ministers need to sift. Depending on […]

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Key Milestone Reached as Draft Climate Agreement Sent to Ministers

5 Dec 2015

At the Paris Climate Summit,  a landmark achievement occurred today when technical negotiations officially closed, with the decision to send the draft climate agreement to ministers to use as the basis for negotiations. The French presidency now assumes the leadership of the 21st Conference of Parties which will get underway today.  Over the past week, the draft agreement has been somewhat streamlined […]

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Before Ministers Arrive, Clearer Differences and Potential Compromises

4 Dec 2015

Paris, France – Friday, December 4, 2015: This morning, the co-chairs released two negotiating texts: a new draft of the negotiating text as it now stands and a version that includes compromise options from the co-facilitators of the issue discussion groups. There are some sharply drawn differences between parties on some issues, but negotiators continued to work to get as much streamlining done as […]

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Finance and Fairness Remain Crunch Issues As First New Text Released at COP21

4 Dec 2015

Paris, France – Thursday, December 3, 2015: This morning, the ADP co-chairs released a new, shorter draft of the negotiating text. The text is now five pages shorter than the previous version, as options have been condensed and streamlined across different issues. Much hard work on streamlining remains before the text is handed over to ministers, and another draft text is […]

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As Negotiators Get to Work, Progress on Key Issues is Mixed

2 Dec 2015

  Paris, France – Wednesday, December 2, 2015: As negotiators have began the hard work of translating the leaders' statements into action, progress has been mixed. Delegates continue to meet in spin-off groups and informal meetings. Major issues like finance remain unsolved, which has slowed progress on other issues like the long-term goal and a plan to review national commitments […]

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Media Briefing – Getting down to work at the Paris Climate Summit

1 Dec 2015

  Paris, France – Wednesday, December 2, 2015: With world leaders heading home, it's time for negotiators to get down to business at the Paris Climate Summit today. Experts from Climate Action Network will outline latest developments in the talks, including the geopolitical dynamics affecting them. The two weeks of negotiations need to result in […]

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