Press releases

German G20 must mobilise action on climate change for a stronger and safer world

1 Dec 2016

Germany today took over the G20 Presidency by outlining its mission for 2017 under the overarching motto of “Shaping an Interconnected World” 1 December 2016:  Climate Action Network calls on the German Presidency to use the G20 platform to mobilise international cooperation and action on climate change.  Decisive action on climate change is vital to […]

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19 Nov 2016

November 18, 2016: In a historic breakthrough, 48 climate vulnerable countries clear the way towards a safe and prosperous future for everyone and commit to 100% renewable energy by mid-century. In a bold move that is set to spark a global ripple effect prompting other countries into concrete action, the Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVF), chaired by […]

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Civil society responds to climate talks in Marrakech as countries reaffirm their commitment to Paris deal

18 Nov 2016

Vulnerable countries come forward with plans to adopt 100% renewable energy but Africa COP sees no clear commitments from developed countries to increase long-term funding for adaptation 18 November, Marrakech: At the climate talks in Marrakech, Climate Action Network welcomes that governments reaffirmed their resolve to work together on implementing the Paris Agreement, even amidst […]

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17 Nov 2016

November 17, 2016, Marrakech, Morocco – The civil society movement is growing stronger in its fight against climate change, overcoming all obstacles, as UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon prepares to join its ranks at the end of the year. Civil society confirmed its commitment to continue placing climate change at the top of the political agenda in […]

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16 Nov 2016

November 17, 2016 Marrakech, Morocco – Civil society are organizing a farewell ceremony for the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon who leaves office at the end of the year with a strong legacy of supporting the climate process and observers’ engagement in the talks. Civil society organizations, represented by the various UNFCCC observer constituencies including environmental […]

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Heads of State and ministers need to make bold commitments to honor spirit of Paris

15 Nov 2016

15 November 2016, Marrakech: As Heads of State and Ministers arrive in Marrakech for high-level dialogues on climate finance, Jennifer Morgan, International Executive Director, Greenpeace International said: “This is the generation that will end fossil fuels and the Heads of State meeting in Marrakech this week need to ramp up ambition and align goals to […]

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Finance and facilitative dialogues remain sticky issues as week two of Marrakech climate talks starts

14 Nov 2016

14 November 2016, Marrakech, At the start of the second week of the international climate talks in Marrakech, speakers at the Climate Action Network press briefing emphasised the importance of the talks moving forward on key areas like finance, the facilitative dialogues and for countries to ratchet up ambition on their pre-2020 commitments in order […]

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As week one of climate talks ends, countries must do more to pull in support for Paris Agreement

12 Nov 2016

Marrakech, 12 November 2016: China has reaffirmed its commitment towards the Paris Agreement and more countries must do so and bring concrete action plans to the table, said Liz Gallagher, Senior Associate at E3G. She was speaking at a press briefing organised by Climate Action Network here to give an overview of week one at […]

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CAN Statement on the Outcome of the US Elections

9 Nov 2016

09 November 2016, Marrakech: The climate movement is a people’s movement. 103 countries have ratified the Paris Agreement, testimony to the power of people to push their governments to act on climate change. Climate Action Network is determined to build on and carry forward on this momentum despite uncertainties and political shocks that threaten to […]

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Montreal Protocol: Deal to phase down HFCs a major score for global climate action

15 Oct 2016

15 October, Kigali: Climate Action Network welcomes the outcome reached in Kigali under the Montreal Protocol to phase down “super greenhouse gases” known as hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs). This is a critical step towards limiting warming and the single biggest climate action of the year, just weeks before leaders meet in Morocco for international climate talks. The […]

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