
Loss and damage provisions: Don’t leave Paris without them

31 Aug 2015

Dear Developed Countries: Newsflash — Loss and damage must be in the Paris Agreement. We keep hearing some really lame arguments as to why you’re keeping it out. Lame argument 1: We don’t need L&D in the Paris Agreement as we have the Warsaw International Mechanism for L&D and its review in 2016. ECO responds: […]

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The Islamic call for bold climate action

31 Aug 2015

ECO welcomes the Islamic Declaration on Climate Change that was launched in Istanbul, Turkey earlier this month. The declaration, signed by a broad spectrum of prominent scholars in the Islamic world, will form the basis of climate action from Muslims around the globe. Coming on the heels of the Pope’s encyclical, ECO is pleased to […]

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Let’s leave no one behind

31 Aug 2015

ECO congratulates governments on the adoption of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. This not only provides positive momentum towards Paris but, also sends a strong message about the necessity of adopting an integrated approach to sustainable development. The Paris outcomes should build on this momentum and promote the effective integration of human rights and gender […]

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CAN director gives statement at Post 2015 Sustainable Development Agenda negotiations

24 Jun 2015

Distinguished Co-Facilitators, Thank you for this opportunity to interact. As we all know, climate change impacts are unfolding rapidly, threatening poverty eradication and putting  the attainment of the sustainable development goals and targets at risk as recognised in the Secretary General’s Synthesis Report. Right now the preamble and declaration fall short of adequately emphasizing the […]

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Bumps in the road to Paris

24 Jun 2015

Written by Neoka Naidoo, Leadership Development Fellow from South Africa.  The thing that resonates with me about the UNFCCC process, and I take it resonates with everyone else within the CAN community, is the disparity between political will and action. Everyone sitting in the plenaries knows what the impacts of climate change are and how this will […]

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4 Things I learnt from the June 2015 Bonn Session

23 Jun 2015

Written by Adrian Yeo, CAN Leadership Development Fellow from CAN South East Asia.    Like every UNFCCC Session, the recent Bonn #SB42 2015 was so fast paced there is barely time to make your own reflection. So now, a few weeks later, here are 4 things I learnt from this Bonn Session that I wish to […]

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Cycles, cycles, cycles

11 Jun 2015

While ECO daydreams about cycling along the Rhine into the sunset, the EU seems confused about how cycles move us forward. On one hand, the EU supports stock-takes of mitigation ambition in 5-year cycles. But on the other, it’s against synchronising commitment periods with these 5-year cycles, and has no 2025 target. Now, a review […]

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What is an encyclical?

11 Jun 2015

“Laudato Si” or “Praised be You” is the title of the much anticipated encyclical from Pope Francis, which will be somewhat longer than ECO and just as devoted to the future of our planet and people.   It will talk not only about climate but broadly of the environment and human development. Anticipated for release […]

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Assurance about insurance

11 Jun 2015

It’s a relief to see that G7 leaders didn’t entirely forget about climate impacts. They seem to remember the responsibility of industrialised countries to make amends for their large share of CO2 emissions. They announced an initiative to cover up to 400 million people in vulnerable countries with insurance instruments to help manage a portion […]

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INDCs: it is not just the “WHAT” but also the “HOW”

11 Jun 2015

Most analyses of the INDCs that have been submitted thus far have focused on what is included. Here’s a reminder: Annex 1 countries who still haven’t submitted should mention finance, technology and capacity building support in their upcoming INDCs. But the INDC process isn’t just about pulling together the numbers; it is also about how […]

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