
ECO 4, ADP2-10, English

3 Sep 2015

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5-year Commitment Periods: Not Just a Teenage Crush

3 Sep 2015

Rumours are circulating that certain Parties have been shopping a less-than-precise interpretation of EU positions in Bonn. Apparently, one of the main messages has been that the EU’s proposal for 10-year commitment periods has developed into quite an obsession, with little chance of recovery. ECO begs to differ. There is no legislation in place that […]

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Hot Air

3 Sep 2015

With all the puffery at these talks, you’d think a little more hot air might not be noticed. The problem is, it’s not just a little bit of hot air, the result is sweltering. The lack of integrity of the market mechanisms under the Kyoto Protocol, combined with weak targets, have created an 11 gigatonne […]

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ECO 3, ADP2-10, English

2 Sep 2015

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Innovative Public Finance: Fruit Ripe For Picking

2 Sep 2015

Many delegates have spent years, inside and outside of this process, on the seemingly enticing topic of innovative finance. ECO understands if some of you are getting tired of this work–so now is the time to harvest the fruits of your labour and lock in new, predictable and significant sources of finance that aren’t at […]

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It’s the Scale, Stupid

2 Sep 2015

In the endless repetition of long-standing positions that passes for climate finance negotiation these days, one message comes through loud and clear: the Paris agreement–yes, the core legal agreement, currently largely in Part 1 of the co-chairs’ tool–must address the scale of finance to be provided post-2020. Failure to do this will undermine trust, contribute […]

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Productive Differentiation Times

2 Sep 2015

ECO has spent years calling for serious discussion on differentiation, and was pleasantly surprised when, yesterday, one materialised. Even better, the “spin off” meeting unfolded as a probing exercise that cast some real and useful light. The fundamental question – what is the purpose of differentiation? – saw lots of good answers. One, offered by […]

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Bold Words and Empty Promises

2 Sep 2015

The Arctic is one of the regions hit hardest by the climate change, and on Monday, the US convened the GLACIER summit – Global Leadership in the Arctic: Cooperation, Innovation, Engagement, and Resilience – to muster ambition among Arctic Council nations ahead of Paris. With reluctance from Canada and Russia, a joint statement on climate […]

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Loss and Damage FAQ

2 Sep 2015

ECO is pleased that Parties have started substantive discussions on the important issue of loss and damage. Equally, ECO is glad to have been helpful to Parties with our debunking mechanism–as was mentioned in today’s loss and damage facilitated discussion, which dove into the hard questions. Key amongst them were: If we’re creating a durable […]

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WS2: How To Do Better

2 Sep 2015

Constructive proposals have pleasingly been coming out of the Workstream 2 discussions. Crucial emissions gap language, missing since June, has been reintroduced. This includes discussions around a forum to move WS2 towards implementation, improved Technical Experts Meetings, appointment of champions for actionable initiatives, and a Technical Examination Process on adaptation, among others. Efficient systems and […]

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