
Which Way Forward for the Technology Framework?

17 May 2016

Paris delivered the Technology Framework to advance more rapid demonstration and implementation of climate-friendly technologies. This included building on existing efforts such as Technology Needs Assessments (TNAs) and the Technology Action Plans (TAPs), and improving the effectiveness of the Technology Executive Committee (TEC) and the Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN). The first meeting of […]

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Driving Implementation Through Climate Education and Public Participation

17 May 2016

In Paris, Parties committed to enhancing climate change education, training, public participation, awareness and access to information (collectively known as “Action for Climate Empowerment” or ACE). This commitment builds on Article 6 of the Convention and forms a fundamental pillar of the Agreement. Here in Bonn, the SBI is making preparations for the Doha Work Programme […]

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What Do We Want? Climate Action! When Do We Want It? NOW!

17 May 2016

In Paris, 195 countries agreed to limit global temperature rise to well below 2°C, aiming for 1.5°C. Yet, current INDCs are setting us on a pathway to around 3°C. To make matters worse, the remaining carbon budget even to stay well below 2°C might be used up by the time NDCs really begin to take […]

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From Promises to Delivery

16 May 2016

The Paris Agreement sets a clear vision for the world to keep global temperature rise to 1.5°C, through a full decarbonisation of the global economy. It also provides a framework to improve action on mitigation, adaptation and finance through regular reviews and renewed commitments – for all countries simultaneously. With the Paris Agreement clearly setting […]

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BreakFree: the voice of vulnerable but defiant

3 May 2016

Written by Amit Kumar, Pacific Islands CAN Leadership Development Fellow The Pacific Island countries and other Small Islands Developing States have learnt the hard way how climate change impacts our islands. While we continually prepare for worse to come, knowing that extreme changes are happening in our climate at an unprecedented rate, the coal and fuel […]

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An opportunity worth taking

29 Apr 2016

In his final blog as a Leadership Development Fellow, Amit Kumar reflects on his time in the programme.  It is rare to find a opportunity in the Pacific Region’s civil society sector which aims to build capacity and leadership skills of young professionals who are inspired to work on climate change and sustainable development. But […]

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An opportunity worth taking

29 Apr 2016

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An opportunity worth taking

29 Apr 2016

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An opportunity worth taking

29 Apr 2016

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An opportunity worth taking

29 Apr 2016

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