
G20 in China: Blue Skies, But No Leap Forward

7 Sep 2016

ECO applauds China and the US formally joining the Paris Agreement as a prelude to the G20 summit in Hangzhou, China. This is a major step toward the entry into force of the Paris Agreement. It is a very timely signal to the world that global leaders are serious about what President Obama once called: […]

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1.5°C: To Be Or Not To Be?

7 Sep 2016

ECO congratulates the IPCC for its recent Scoping Meeting for the Special Report on 1.5°C. When finished, it will be a highly important and visible scientific report. Its repercussions will be felt for generations to come. Although CAN experts were not invited, ECO appreciates that the IPCC did invite experts from a cross-section of disciplines, […]

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Compliance in the APA

7 Sep 2016

As the APA continues its work in preparation for the first meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement, the Compliance Mechanism and its modalities and procedures are beginning to get some well-deserved attention. This will facilitate implementation and promote compliance as established in Article 15, and should be open to inputs from the public. […]

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Take Off Delayed? ICAO Must Act On Aviation Emissions

7 Sep 2016

As the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) approaches its triennial assembly in Montreal this fall, ECO is anxious for real progress. On its current flight path, commercial aviation will consume 27% of the available carbon budget in a 1.5°C scenario. In 2013, ICAO committed to adopting a credible market-based mechanism (MBM) at its 2016 assembly […]

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Human Rights: the Pre-Marrakesh Homework

9 Aug 2016

  While formal climate negotiations will only reconvene in November, other UN bodies continue their work to support the full implementation of the Paris Agreement. Their respect of the UNFCCC mandate means that climate negotiators still need to play their own part. In early July, the Human Rights Council adopted a new resolution on human […]

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Brexit: Keep Calm And Up Your Global Climate Leadership

9 Aug 2016

June 23: the day those careful, reserved Brits voted to leave the EU. Wow. The outcome sent shockwaves around the world. Alas, the climate keeps changing and ECO hasn’t stopped demanding that the UK, and the EU’s other 27 member states, shoot for higher climate ambition. In practice, the UK won’t leave the EU until […]

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Forget Forecasting and Back Backcasting

9 Aug 2016

We’re all familiar with forecasts. There’s not much to be done if you’ve planned your Sunday picnic when it’s set to rain. All that’s left is hoping, often in vain, that rain will turn into shine. Let’s flip this idea of looking into the future on its head. Instead of forecasting what is likely to […]

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Show Us the Money

9 Aug 2016

  As nations consider whether to introduce a new, improved technology framework in advance of COP22, ECO has a plaintive question for delegates: Is this the year when you plan to show us the money? COP veterans can trace debate over the technology framework back to COP7 in Marrakesh. ECO has heard about the fundamental […]

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Patricia Espinosa, Welcome!

9 Aug 2016

Ms. Espinosa—a hearty welcome back to the climate scene in your new role as UNFCCC Executive Secretary. Now is a crucial time for action, and we don’t want to waste it with formalities, so let’s just say—bienvenida y muchas felicidades. We know that you have already rolled up your sleeves for the big tasks ahead. […]

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Breakfast of Champions: A Guide

9 Aug 2016

Pre-2020 climate action is a prerequisite for delivering on the 1.5°C goal. At current emissions levels, the carbon budget for a strong likelihood (66%) of keeping warming below 1.5°C could be exhausted in as little as 6 years. If more is not done now, the Paris Agreement will be too little, too late. ECO has […]

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