
Unpaved Roadmap

7 Nov 2016

After much anticipation, a few weeks ago the long-awaited “Roadmap to US$100 billion”  was finally released by 21 developed countries. The plain white cover of the report led ECO to hope the report’s authors were saving money on design to meet their commitments made back in Copenhagen and Cancun! ECO’s hopes were only half met […]

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Unfacilitated Dialogue

7 Nov 2016

There’s an elephant in the room at COP22. While the Paris Agreement sets ambitions, goals and a common cause for the planet, there is major concern with respect to the level of ambition in the NDCs. Ramping up ambition of the current NDCs is something everyone knows we have to address. So, let’s talk about […]

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Capacity Building, Another Brick in the Wall

7 Nov 2016

Hey Teacher! Capacity building is the missing brick in the wall. For the Paris Agreement to be truly universal, effective capacity building is critical to enable developing countries to facilitate fulfilment of their new requirements and transition towards decarbonised and climate-resilient economies. That’s why Article 11 matters. It stems from the recognition that the “business […]

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Variety is the Spice of Life: External Processes That Matter

11 Oct 2016

As we approach the yearly Pre-COP and COP feast, this time with a Moroccan flavour, here is how working in other fora can strengthen ambition and action in the UNFCCC. With ICAO, Montreal Protocol, G20, and not to mention all of the synergies with the SDGs there is so much more on the menu. In […]

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Q&A for the Ministerial Pre-COP meeting

11 Oct 2016

The countdown to COP22 will intensify at the Ministers meeting on 17 October intended to clarify key issues before the conference. The incoming Moroccan presidency and outgoing French presidency have prepared a handy Q&A for Ministers to come prepared to the meeting. ECO has answered the most relevant questions for you exclusively in this issue […]

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Ratification And What Next

11 Oct 2016

October started with a real bustle of activity! This month, the Paris Agreement became one of the most swiftly ratified international treaties in history as it crossed the second of two thresholds required to enter into force, which will now occur on 4 November 2016. Expedited action by the European Union and seven of its […]

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The Show Must Go On: Expectations for Marrakech

7 Sep 2016

Paris provided hope and momentum. It was a giant leap forward, providing the world with an international framework to address climate challenges. If COP22 can build on this momentum, and fully maximise the gains of COP21, we might indeed make real progress! COP21 had shortcomings, though. It does not provide the necessary ambition required to […]

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G20 in China: Blue Skies, But No Leap Forward

7 Sep 2016

ECO applauds China and the US formally joining the Paris Agreement as a prelude to the G20 summit in Hangzhou, China. This is a major step toward the entry into force of the Paris Agreement. It is a very timely signal to the world that global leaders are serious about what President Obama once called: […]

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1.5°C: To Be Or Not To Be?

7 Sep 2016

ECO congratulates the IPCC for its recent Scoping Meeting for the Special Report on 1.5°C. When finished, it will be a highly important and visible scientific report. Its repercussions will be felt for generations to come. Although CAN experts were not invited, ECO appreciates that the IPCC did invite experts from a cross-section of disciplines, […]

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Compliance in the APA

7 Sep 2016

As the APA continues its work in preparation for the first meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement, the Compliance Mechanism and its modalities and procedures are beginning to get some well-deserved attention. This will facilitate implementation and promote compliance as established in Article 15, and should be open to inputs from the public. […]

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